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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Thanks dear brother and the same to you but more of it
  2. Happy MAGA Monday Jingthing! Your favorite nazihitlerconvictedJ6instigatingdictaor will soon take the oath as your president, enjoy your day!
  3. Who are president Biden and how many are there?
  4. The “typo” excuse is due to the lack of curiosity
  5. You never heard of Thomas Sowell… you are either a very young person or uneducated, it’s easy to assume the latter since you lack the ability to do so and latch on to the first thing you see on the internet. Thomas Sowell was a Marxist early on and snapped out of it when he realized how digressive and harmful that ideology is.
  6. It’s okay, nobody here cares especially Thais, so you can be yourself and stop walking on eggshells.
  7. Thanks for your honesty as erroneous as it is
  8. Your positive ideas were fried because you forgot about the grounding on the troll. Next life perhaps…
  9. Possibly the solenoid, try tapping it and see if it responds. An easy fix.
  10. An utter joke. During my late career, if one didn’t meet all of the qualifications then they couldn’t even submit an application. It’s safe to assume that you are completely naive and innocent minded and certainly don’t know what’s going on in the world.
  11. As opposed to the most qualified? What you just described is hiring people who are less qualified, aren’t you aware that the Equal Protection Clause is to prevent such discrimination and the contradictory hypocrisy you’re in? Maybe one day you’ll have an epiphany as Thomas Sowell did and snap out of the Marxist delusions
  12. Phuket was involved given that Phuket and Pattaya are involved in most of the deaths of foreigners
  13. Second stage kefir ferment with mango & red dragon fruit…
  14. Wish all you lefties a happy MAGA Monday!
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