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Everything posted by novacova

  1. If such an unfortunate event happens during the next administration the blame will most certainly be directed towards Trump. In any case, administrative failure blaming is always awarded to those in charge. Agreeable for the most part. Though, personally the dissemination human caused climate change without proof is one of those things that really ticks me off, a scam that only benefits a small few and imposes oppression upon the masses, if the scam didn’t have the propensity to rip off people and bring more wealth and power to a small few, then it wouldn’t even be a blip on the scale.
  2. I’ve read many of these graphs and data, none have ever proven that humans caused climate change, and many of these studies have broad variabilities, including core samples, which are a minor ancillary. As far as having a closed mind, highly doubt it, I’m not the one here buying into something that hasn’t been proven. This subject is about the cali fires, please prove to me that human caused climate change is responsible for these fires, please, just show us.
  3. No, absolutely not good enough. You went digging for something and came up with a computer model graph. Have you any idea how many computer models used for research in climate model projections of historical data that are in contradiction and easily manipulated? You won’t, not until you go out and do actual objective research and analysis. Until then it’s easy to assume that the human caused climate warriors will continue to grasp at the low hanging fruit that has been cultivated on the internet for the easily duped, and bring it here and pose it as a done deal. If anyone seriously believes that human caused climate change is responsible for these fires, then they most certainly have no understanding of what nature can do, whether if these fires were natural or intentional arson.
  4. How can you have confidence that every day humans and their combustible machines are responsible for climate changes? There is absolutely no existing proof of this whatsoever. We have correlations hypothesis and obscure theories, but no concrete observations. Again…the so-called climatologist conveniently skip over the fact that the sun and earth are not linear and static, or by definition of their quackery at its sum: the sun and earth is linear and static. Climate is a system of non-static nonlinear complexities. Non-linearity is an inherent phenomenon of the complexities of climate. Pseudo climate science attempts to explain climate in a linear fashion, yet these linear attempts to explain the complexities of climate are inherently doomed to failure.
  5. It’s not turbo charged. …is what it is, an electronic cvt.
  6. They cannot, it’s been programmed and hardcoded in. For many of them, admitting that they were wrong is like forcing a child to accept Santa Claus isn’t real. But the difference is that children eventually grow out of it.
  7. Well that was stupid. Maybe he thinks that the bike can’t be traced back to him, which is even stupider.
  8. Jack Smith is just another of a long list of epitomes of the faltering abysmal failures of the left. The left really needs to snap out of it and begin to cut off and leave the delusional Trump hate fan club behind or continue to be dragged down with them.
  9. Yeah sure, fuel caps are generally not dirty enough for a solvent. Spray the inside of the cap with silicone spray which is designed to adhere to surfaces and will help create a seal that won’t contaminate the fuel tank. Use the solvent for something else incisively grimy and dirty like the brakes
  10. No. You’re the only one. Good grief! You’re kidding, right?
  11. This is typical of evaporative system errors. Remove the negative cable from the battery for about 15 minutes, this will clear the codes. And clean the fuel cap with a silicone spay, it may temporarily fix the problem. Replace the fuel cap with a genuine Toyota cap, the Chinese caps will last for only about a year.
  12. Because it hides the horizontal expansion of the women and that feeds the illusion of your delusion.
  13. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that statement is? How do you leap and correlate every natural and arsonist event to the idiocy of implied human caused climate change?
  14. That’s right, get used to it
  15. The a/c hasn’t been used here for at least eight weeks. As of late the windows remain closed, wool long underwear and thicker blankets, the wife sleeps with an added sweatshirt and wadded up in two blankets
  16. This applies worldwide, very easy.
  17. Just about every policy the Biden administration pursued was the opposite of rational, as though to deliberately ruin the country. A week to go and they’re still chopping and hacking at wrecking it.
  18. Don’t get your hopes up, DOGE will make life better for ya It’s probably a good thing since you’re bothered by him, besides he is way smarter and has more insight on the federal budget than anyone here including yourself, after all, you’re here spinning your wheels aren’t you.
  19. Several error lights coming on at the same time usually indicates a faulty fuel cap, easy fix.
  20. No, I will not! iPhone and Samsung are assembled/manufactured in China under close supervision. Why would china risk losing foreign manufacturing companies by inserting hijacks in those foreign companies phones? Chinese companies are closely supervised by the government, who knows what they have put in the cloaked coded eprom’s
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