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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Get a grip buddy, the United States is not a mob rule democracy, it’s a constitutional republic. I’m terribly sorry it pains you that Trump won the popular vote by 1.4%.
  2. No, sorry but you’re wrong. He won by 27.8%. Harris got 226, and Trump got 313 of the electoral. That is what counts.
  3. She’s bored and wants to practice her English
  4. No Motorcycle repair shop. Schweine in jedyod, cnx motogear or piston shop in nong hoi are three of many options
  5. Possibly koon คุ่น, a biting black fly that leaves welts…
  6. Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years has well passed, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse…again. I’d advise that you continue with your delusion so you can have something to complain about.
  7. Of course, it’s what criminals do
  8. The US does, they hunt down fugitives.
  9. Roundabouts should have two lanes in order to be efficient especially on highways, the new roundabout at the cm-doisaket and third ring highway junction is a one lame lane roundabout and get backed up during rush hour. They’re currently building a new roundabout at the cm-sankamphang and third ring highway junction, it will get another smirky scoff from me if it turns out to be a single lame lane roundabout
  10. As long as the left continues in the direction they’re going all will be fine
  11. He should give blue crab somtom a try and let everyone know how things went after a day.
  12. Just around the corner rural cm 50฿, in the city 100฿. Rural Lampang 50฿.
  13. Anything moving forward opposite of the digressive left policies is rosy, and unnoticeable by those wearing those crap filled leftist progressive lenses.
  14. Take it a step further and put an end to anything that burns brain cells, the suppression of those fumes would do a great deal of clearing the air.
  15. DEI is the inverse of civil liberties, just another scam out of the left field
  16. A good step forward eliminating useless government waste.
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