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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Really? Prove it. Let’s see the proof. Talk about silly. This is utterly ridiculously absurd and comely stupid. Nature has been diverting rivers for millions of years.
  2. If you hadn’t learned from life experiences before you got here, then you’re more likely going to have a rough time of it.
  3. She threw their predicates back at them without any reservations showing them that they are just as accountable as any other everyday person.
  4. I know an attorney that can indict convict and incarcerate a Ham Cheese Sandwich for murder, all he needs is a jury that are easily persuaded and duped.
  5. You’re correct, haven’t paid health insurance in the US for years That really makes no sense. It’s been blatantly clear and obvious that prices of everything has skyrocketed since day one of the Biden administration. Anyone that can’t see that has their head in the sand.
  6. Price gouging in the US has been ubiquitous since the leftist insane asylum rats escapees infested the White House
  7. A little late to safeguard Pattaya’s image of being a skank hole.
  8. The DEI policy makers are responsible for coordinating funds to put the fire out. Nature and arsonist cause fires. “Climate Change” is real and a constant variable. “Human Caused Climate Change” is just another hysterical figment of the human imagination that hasn’t been proven.
  9. A foreign creeper is more like it… Well good, a serial butt slapper finally apprehended
  10. Exactly, the DoD and armed forces in its entirety is not an institution of social engineering or transgender welfare programs
  11. Infamous last words of a recipient of a Darwin Award
  12. You don’t need to pay taxes here unless you’re generating income here. So forget about it and don’t worry about it and don’t look back.
  13. Why do you want a TIN? Unless you are working here and generating income here you don’t need a TIN. PS…don’t pay any attention to the convoluted hysterics on the forum concerning taxation.
  14. It was quite entertaining watching the dems getting slapped around by Bondi, and once again the dems have proven that they are great at embarrassing themselves and making themselves look like the eyesore that they are.
  15. Kho aphai, kho thot is a moderate level of sincerity. “Kho thot kho phoi” is more of a profuse level of sincerity, is how I understand it.
  16. Those dems really know how to put a goofy comedy show, it made for a good laugh before hitting the hay last night.
  17. Some Thai women can be quite bombastic, especially ones from the south and the girlymans
  18. Good, no sympathy for drug runners. They are well aware of the risk hazards and willingly sacrificed themselves.
  19. We can assume many of the festive village people members on this forum aren’t too happy about this
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