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Everything posted by novacova

  1. ???? just push it in until it seats, is what I do for Honda and Benelli
  2. Insidious nonsense of teaching elementary school children that it’s okay to go out and get a sex change, and the influence imposed on them incrementally. Anyway I’m done with your insidious game hacks.
  3. Good grief, can you not read?? You responded to my post that stated… Then you respond with nonsense Again for the last time, answer the question, I doubt you can… Talk about insidious… you’ll just repeat with the cop-out response
  4. Heebeejeebees
  5. No duh… the question is… Or do you not have an answer?
  6. Race is what people use to differentiate themselves from other groups. Genetic terminology should be used. Is a white American that knows little about his/her heritage from Baton Rouge Louisiana a different race from an American Indigenous Indian? Depends on the genetic influence, maybe the person from Louisiana has indigenous American blood and the indigenous American has a mixture of North African and German.
  7. What race are Thai, Thai. Thai mutt. Depending on what region their genetics have influence. North Thai are obviously genetically different than south Thai people and in the north there are groups that are genetically different in various regions of the north, influenced by migration. There’s different groups that have different/more genetic influences than others. I’m an American with 4 different genetics of European races, an American euro mutt.
  8. Okay, please let us know what schools in Thailand allow teaching such insidious nonsense in their schools?? What schools allow drag creeps put on a lewd performance?
  9. Why aren’t there any “Heterosexual Suspected in Robbery” headlines?
  10. +1 From this vantage point it appears that the creep crowd are exploiting an opportunity to impose their creepy-ness on children, really now, schools allowing creep drag performers at elementary schools?? That’s the ultimate exploitation opportunity for no reason other than to impose an influence. Totally backwards bs to even consider allowing such nonsense.
  11. The mental disorder is to let that happen
  12. If you have an iPhone you can use WiFi calling to make and receive calls with your foreign sim. If you don’t have an iPhone then I assume your call carrier will have the information on their website, you may have to add funds in your uk cellular account.
  13. Palmetto, celery seeds ground into powder for tea and or edta.
  14. No. And I deliberately chose not to live there.
  15. That’s ok my friend, wish you the best on the road.
  16. The specific quote is of what’s blaring in the context. If one is competing in traffic to get ahead then they’re creating a road hazard. The risk is compounded by filtering through more traffic, good grief…I see this stupidity every day. I can care less if someone wants to put their own life in danger and hammer into a tree on an empty open road, just don’t involve others in traffic.
  17. Here we have a self proclaimed road hazard…it’s an imperative to keep an eye out for such competing hazards, but then again for some reason they think they have a upper handle on the road and immune to catastrophic consequences.
  18. ???? an imperative practice
  19. …up until they kill somebody
  20. I’ll reiterate what I’ve mentioned on the forum in the past, over the years per capita I see more westerners driving carelessly. Though yes, the whole package of driving here is dangerous on a motorcycle. Expecting the unexpected every second is the best one can do given that there’s a lot of inattention and competition on the road here.
  21. Exact same boat, I want to move back north Lampang but she just started a business here. Anyhow we’re currently looking for a place closer to her business just to mitigate the cross town route.
  22. Somewhat of a same experience yesterday taking my wife to work, she being from a rural area and too scared to drive in the city, a westerner passes us on the left as we’re turning right at an intersection nearly clipping us. And yes I yelled at the freaking stupid idiot. And if and when I see him again I’ll toss some ripe words his way for putting my wife’s life in danger. And just a note here, the vehicle in front has the right-of-way when passing a vehicle from behind, especially turning at intersections due to blind spots.
  23. One account for savings and maintaining necessary funds to satisfy immigration requirements, and the other account for spending
  24. I waited for a set of Michelin, I didn’t want to put anything else on
  25. I have a set of Michelin m62’s on one bike, and Michelin Pilot Street 2’s on another, both good rubber. Personally I haven’t used anything but Michelin on all my vehicles, it’s the first swap done immediately after purchase..
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