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Everything posted by novacova

  1. I don’t know about the UK, but for the US it’s Open Borders!!
  2. “Don’t assume anything”
  3. “It’s your life, live as you please”
  4. “We’ll all be dead in a 150 years, so stop worrying about it”
  5. “Get over it. Move on”
  6. “It’s none of my business how others think of me” because whether positive, negative, null or otherwise it’s their mind, not mine.
  7. “Howdy” ”Lighten up” ”Good f’n grief!” “Take it easy” “Later”
  8. Thanks for the consideration of forum clutter reduction after you’ve departed
  9. KOA…arid
  10. I have no evidence or any idea that I was responding an inbred hillbilly with mental challenges, and I would certainly agree that I was responding a destructive farce with designs of distraction
  11. Underwear cops are out in full force, easy to spot 120kg cop women checking for foreigners panties
  12. Using softer shocks is probably fine for slow riders, though isn’t a good idea on fast curves and highways, stability is paramount for safety. If it’s not inconvenient constantly adjusting the shocks then get a fully adjustable pre-load rebound shock, yss has them. Most shock upgrades that are partially adjustable are stiffer
  13. How about a different approach…be amicable and diplomatic, he’s your neighbor and you’re essentially going to have to pretty much live with him. Just be matter of fact and straight forward with him, tell him the water is going into his property and you will have a discussion with the puyai aka village boss. If that doesn’t work then rip out the pipe.
  14. What an inverse of a knucklehead backwards statement…
  15. +1..but sense doesn’t exist for some in the heat of the moment.
  16. Good ???? shut down the government until the insanity is reined in.
  17. Only a dog can rape a dog, I didn’t know it is illegal for dogs to rape each other.
  18. Doxycycline is good to keep around, I always keep a strip of tabs, even on short one or two day trips. It’s also good prophylactic for dengue fever.
  19. ???? just push it in until it seats, is what I do for Honda and Benelli
  20. Insidious nonsense of teaching elementary school children that it’s okay to go out and get a sex change, and the influence imposed on them incrementally. Anyway I’m done with your insidious game hacks.
  21. Good grief, can you not read?? You responded to my post that stated… Then you respond with nonsense Again for the last time, answer the question, I doubt you can… Talk about insidious… you’ll just repeat with the cop-out response
  22. Heebeejeebees
  23. No duh… the question is… Or do you not have an answer?
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