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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Yes sir…
  2. The Bridge On The River Kwai The Man From Nowhere The Good The Bad and The Ugly
  3. Yes, as you have declared your insinuations and your allegiance throughout the thread
  4. Insidious selective moral outrage supporting Hamas terrorist thuggery.
  5. Good frik’n grief, quoting Noam Chomsky of all people. Now it’s clear of who follows who.
  6. I wouldn’t make a broad statement about Muslims, though I have made such statements about Israel’s neighbors on this thread.
  7. Again a conflating way off statement and a futile attempt to equate Israel defense actions with the terrorists Hamas thuggery. Hamas: Uses civilians as defense shields, ie murder their own to cause emotional stir in the UN and surrounding countries and folks such as yourself. You use ridiculous rationalizations to justify a bleeding heart syndrome for terrorist. It’s good to know where you firmly stand.
  8. You: Acceptable for Iran using Hamas as an antagonistic proxy to attack and murder innocent civilians. And use children as defense shields. Me: Retaliate at all costs.
  9. Apparently you think it’s acceptable. Directly and deliberately using children as defense cover is the sole responsibility of the criminals that put them there. Victims of their own, pure mental sickness.
  10. They are experts at fortifying military sites aka schools with children
  11. Just curious, where were they when they were killed? In an ordnance compound labeled as a school?
  12. I expect Iran has designs to incite an escalation via further proxy to draw Israel in Iran considering their recent rhetoric
  13. That’s real nice…people having fun and celebrating another culture with no frame of thought of the above accusation. Yet using racism to falsely accuse others of racism is a worse form of racism in of itself. A platitude of false empathy and self imposed false guilt. The zoo is a fun place for families to go and learn about other creatures from far away places and in this case, culture.
  14. This is just a conflation of semantic word gaming. Get off it already, we all know where you stand…
  15. The way that Israel has treated them, really? The way Israel is treating them is containment, containing an enemy that will accept nothing less than complete extermination of the Jewish people. If I was surrounded by hateful neighbors I’d do anything to maintain preservation. Pelt my house with rocks, I’ll drop a bolder on theirs, retaliate me with 9mm’s, I’ll pull out the Scar17-s and clean house. Israel, in my opinion has shown great restraint, now they’re fed up with the tit for tat routine and it’s time to drop the hammer for their own survival and civilization. Anyway, you and others here come off as rooting for the Hamas terror thugs…with antisemitism tones.
  16. Imposed by what group? The Gaza situation is solely of Hamas doing, this is the prison camp of Hamas run by the current leader warden Ismail Haniyeh. Eliminate the hate towards Israel and eliminate the Iran Hezbollah Hamas element and the semantical word games, then there would be no need for such a security zone along the Gaza Strip.
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