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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Drones are gone now chemical fog, US1338343A? Fake H5N1 scam? WEF&Co?
  2. You’re probably one of the most embittered toxic resentful posters on this entire forum, the moment you get cornered you lose all composure and your true colors are exposed.
  3. That about sums it up.
  4. My psychic powers say hot weather followed by the rainy season with some flooding in the future.
  5. We didn’t go anywhere for Xmas. Will be going to the wife’s village for a few days on the 1st. I will have the last word on what and where we do and go. Next time be the leader, not a following partaker
  6. I modified them in order to eat and breathe while wearing
  7. Try setting the region to the US on both the phone settings and the App Store settings. Then use a vpn set for a US connection and turn off location. Put the phone in airplane mode and make the call over WiFi. It might work. Ideally google voice should be set up in the US, then when outside the US don’t update the app and don’t update the annual OS version
  8. Your kathtoy neighbor sending you a subliminal message
  9. Options: Earplugs and crank up the fan to drown out the noise. Grab an ax and you know what to the power cables. Leave.
  10. There are so many other options to call using a valid number via phone app or eSIM, Skype seems a bit archaic even for this old relic.
  11. It’s an idiot incapable of deciphering the English language and lacks comprehension skills of deduction: Kilogramme = kilogram, obviously.
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