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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Really? They’re saying without any empirical proof or evidence. Okay, I’m saying that someone hacked into your mind and hijacked it. You outta be more careful before crossing without a pathway, you might get slammed.
  2. Why should any Westerner care, Ukraine is not a democracy and both Zelenskyy and Putin are warmongers and are both responsible for the quagmire they’re in. Shut the door and let them have at it within the borders of the two countries if either one of them resist a solution.
  3. How about a simple induction of deduction. A mysterious virus appears in a fresh market 27km from a lab that hacks deadly viruses that was partially funded by hacks like Fauci who concealed such funding with the help of a communist controlled state that withheld information and are responsible for missing whistle blower scientists that worked at that lab. Well folks, theres your answer.
  4. Sensationalism outrage sparkling at its finest. A short single phrase dissected and spurred by wild imaginations. ….and lay it on thick… Good grief so frik’n what, how about a little context. Here’s some context, if someone asked me a stupid question such as if my wife cooks Thai food, then they’d most definitely be reciprocated with a “of course she cooks Thai food, she’s a farking Thai for gods sake!”
  5. Another comical op, time to bust out the 🍿 and witness the tailings of legacy media tirades from the malleables.
  6. No, just hawking loogie wads on your windscreen
  7. Two year old car, surly it has first class insurance. Take the car to the dealer or a dealer authorized repair center, sounds like you’re getting some sorta scam gimmicked.
  8. Why are you having a personal conversation with yourself here?
  9. Being retired am unaware of any approaching tax deadline since not having any taxable income generated in th or anywhere else for that matter.
  10. Blame Trump for annoying the left and setting off their emotional triggers of tirades. If anyone here wants to know what the state of mind of many on the left looks like then just have a look at Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters.
  11. Right, everything that the lefties here are verbatim reiterations of the media.
  12. Good grief, not even close. China is so far behind that their economy depends on trading with the US. Stop watching so much media garbage and go read a book.
  13. I used to to that way back when but then they caught on and stopped.
  14. Absolutely & the US government is no place for social engineering, especially in the military except for warfare.
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