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Everything posted by novacova

  1. He was probably just returning the favor in a creepy sorta way.
  2. Because he was busted breaking the Thai laws in a Thai jurisdiction.
  3. Because charges were probably filed against the filthy dirt bag after he fled the country.
  4. Yes, had them removed well over twenty years ago. What I know now is the same as I knew then. Though haven’t noticed anything different after having them removed.
  5. Yes… You should go attend the party, it outta be a blast.
  6. This is code for “It really annoys me that other points of view are being permitted opposed to my one sided fascist slant”
  7. I’ve passed on a few recommended root canals, the last one ~five years ago in cm, the tooth is still good. Personally I believe most root canals are unnecessary unless decay has reached the root. Root canals are big money makers for dentists.
  8. One of the main political left’s objectives is to increase the size of the government via programs, contracts and bureaucracy, is a means to gain more power and votes. The ends ultimately has nothing to do with benefiting constituents or civilization, all that is just a bogus facade. In other words, they prefer to shoot themselves in the butt and damage the country first before relinquishing any power, so of course reducing the size of government is going to annoy the heck out of them.
  9. Well clearly you don’t understand how the world operates and human curiosity. Addiction usually starts at an early age, children experiment out of curiosity and peer pressure, if the supply is available then some are apt to experiment then it becomes a lifestyle. Your OP is just another worthless hack in attempt to correlate your disappointment of Trumps success of Drug Tariffs as a failure and blaming the children for experimenting with drugs supplied by the criminal drug cartel terrorist of whom you are mitigating. It appears from this vantage point that you are in support of these criminals and making rationalizations for them, it’s a pretty sick position to be in.
  10. Are drug dealers responsible for selling poisonous drugs? Are banks responsible for being robbed because they have cash on hand? Why is it that those on the left are always rationalizing and justifying criminal behavior?
  11. Yet Canada and Mexico took the face saving measures… Better not worse by forcing Mexico’s hand… …to further expose the insidious Mexican corruption and putting the Mexican government in a corner of having the cartels being militarily targets as an international terrorist organization. Though it’s understandable that small minds are unable to comprehend the broader scope.
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