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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Sticking oil rings usually can be easily fixed by removing the spark plugs and pouring a couple few ounces of solvent such as carb cleaner or something like Sea Foam in the cylinders and leave it for a eight hours or so, then place a rag over the plug ports and then turn the engine to flush the solvent, repeat if necessary and change the engine oil before running the engine.
  2. Most commonly is the piston oil rings are worn or sticking by gunk.
  3. Rude law breaking foreigners from all over the world here, so why pick out a single race?
  4. Not bad at all. No. You wish. Thanks
  5. Good enough for you to be here. Now grow a pair and stop complaining like a little wussy.
  6. Need more tourists so they can use their lungs to filter out the smoke.
  7. Personally I don’t defile my coffee with anything though the wife uses oat milk.
  8. He also removed the security clearances of Antony Blinken, Letitia James, Alvin Bragg among others. Personally having been a government employee and contractor with security clearance, this will impede the ability for anyone who has been revoked to conduct business with the government, they won’t even be able to access any government website needing login credentials and access some offices.
  9. No. Not a card carrying member of any political group or any other club for that matter.
  10. This is a good thing, we don’t need anymore of these extremest procreating.
  11. Most traffic fatalities are not reported in the news including farangs and other foreigners. If they were then the news sites would be flooded with about fifty of those accounts each day.
  12. No. I mean the very last woman on earth. Too big for mating.
  13. I wouldn’t be caught dead with a woman that looked like that. End of story.
  14. He wouldn’t know what to do with the information, not to mention not having the ability to retain it for more than five seconds.
  15. novacova


    Do you really think that’s a good idea? This would most definitely result in an unwanted reciprocation, an outsider making waves on a locals business venture probably wouldn’t result very well while trying to live in a non-bothersome environment. Unless of course you can do it 100% anonymously, but then again that wouldn’t fly if you’re the only farang in the area.
  16. Rest assured that taking a flight in and out of cnx is much safer than the drive down mahidol to the airport
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