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Everything posted by novacova

  1. You did this alone or was the person with you whose name was registered to the sim?
  2. A somtom stand
  3. Take your wife with you to the sim carrier shop and transfer the sim in your name if you want to keep the same number.
  4. Did it a few months ago, it took bbl about a week to complete the process, k-bank did it in a couple minutes
  5. The point is to further beat the subject to death and the rest is just complaints. Anyone who drives in this country is well aware of the hazards.
  6. I’ve never have had any issues or problems driving here. No freaking duh… Good grief! Here you are trying to illustrate that Thai drivers have some sort of special supernatural ability of politeness, what a freakin joke! What you fail to understand is humans are generally the same everywhere on this planet. In the US most are polite drivers and just as here there are some who are overly polite and do stupid things like unexpected polite things that cause accidents and aggressive road ragers that cause accidents. Only difference here is that there’s virtually no traffic enforcement to cite the overly polite and aggressive drivers so there’s more mayhem on the roads. BTW- The way you’re rambling on here I doubt you get out enough to even know the difference. Well there you have it folks, another farang that has no business driving on the roads…anywhere.
  7. I have no intention of ever tossing a wai or being distracted by or handing out krengjai’s on the road, polite driver-unexpected cold stop = accident. How about keeping the traffic flowing as it should and adapting to the driving conditions and mind your own business on the road. I suspect you drive on egg shells with trepidation and fear which is another dangerous driving trait.
  8. Emotionally charged mentality undeveloped krengjai drivers are the most dangerous on the road, some people go in a psychotic trance behind the wheel, no matter what their national origin.
  9. A Story of Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hide some come under a spell of psychosis while driving.
  10. Yes, my wife. She’s terrified of the sun and won’t go outside without being wrapped up like a mummy with dark sunglasses
  11. Nice thought but it’s not going to happen here on this planet given the predatory nature of humans, beasts and nature.
  12. To what degree are you able to support Trump besides verbally? & many liberals voted for and supported Trump You posted “The training process 'should' weed out any controller not up to the job long before they talk to actual aircraft, and any live training should then further weed out anyone who is unable to jump from the training to the 'live' environment. This is why I believe the noise about DEI hires is bovine 💩. If DEI hires were allowed to control despite not being good enough then that should be a MASSIVE national scandal.” Which comes from a lack of insight of American politics, left political tactics in particular which is commonly used to spite the conservative base even if it’s counter intuitive and brings actual harm to the public. My post argued your error of conflating that somehow DEI policies have no effect on US government safety standards, it made you uncomfortable and you responded with an insult indicative of a typical liberal leftist, so surely you must have had the foresight of what was to follow. Now, if you want to implement your education skills and tear apart my original reply with specificity of your post without losing composure, then have at it.
  13. These are the root causes. Most drivers are aware of traffic laws and ignore them due to the lack of enforcement and mind you that many careless drivers I see on the roads here are westerners, so no one is immune to driver stupidity. unsafe infrastructure, “they”, for lack of a better term, here in cm have been upgrading the roads over the last seven or eight years or so with a slew of engineering errors, hazardous errors. Example, a convex roadbed on a curve, sudden curves on a multi lane road at the end of a long stretch, short merge lanes onto highways, the list goes on and on. These issues are challenging for individuals that come from and are used to a well controlled and well engineered road environment and haven’t had the experience of a broad range of road conditions.
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