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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Rest assured that taking a flight in and out of cnx is much safer than the drive down mahidol to the airport
  2. There you have it folks, from Mr Got Nothing himself chiming in with another gyration.
  3. novacova


    I’m suggesting what good will it do to complain given that everyone in the area knows about it, every aunt uncle cop and the dead grandparents of the phuyaiban and neighboring villages.
  4. novacova


    If it’s happening then it’s most likely being let allowed. Filing complaints will most likely be just as annoying to those receiving the complaints as the noise is to you.
  5. Oh really…what stuff? Prove it, then we’ll believe you.
  6. If USAID hadn’t misappropriated funds then the propensities of situations like this would be less likely to occur, plain and simple.
  7. It’s quite remarkable that many lefties here continue to be swamped by the media's bs that has been totally eclipsed by the exposure of their collusion with government bureaucratic entities. Now we are truly living in the era of blatant out-in-the-open mind boggling political stupidity on the left.
  8. Define polite clothing. All I ever wear is flipflops shorts and a t-shirt at government offices and no one has ever been bothered by it and certainly not differentiated by any means. Unless of course you’re talking about looking like a frizzed haired snot dripping drooled bearded greasy torn shirt guy.
  9. How about impounding the bikes until they un-modify the bikes.
  10. GammaG, your lungs have a purpose, is to filter the smoke from the air. So please do us all a favor and use them properly to our benefit.
  11. The the filthy political criminal left are spiteful abjects and are in fear exposure and on top of it and are currently experiencing severe diaper burns and their constituents are suffering from severe gyrating withdrawals and hallucination confusions from being hit with a cold hard reality.
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