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Everything posted by novacova

  1. novacova


    I’ve never been able to find any clothing that fits me at any clothing store in Asia. The shoulders of the shirts are always too small and the pants/shorts are not comfortable and funky. The closet is full of clothes that the wife imposed on me that are never worn. Just stock up during trips to the US.
  2. I’ve driven the 1020 countless times, it’s a pretty safe highway, some curves. Never seen any accidents on that highway before. Though I do see a lot of accidents on 120 between phayao and wangnuea when it’s wet, counted 5 one day, taking the curves too fast, mostly newer vehicles
  3. Typical statement of an individual that immerses themselves in the blaring media. I don’t feel sorry for such fool that are unable to educate themselves and think for themselves. ????????????
  4. What?? I thought the covid craze and Songkran party were over already.
  5. Over wordy individuals such as this, are desperate to save themselves and very insecure. Probably why is why they’re avoided and no one wants the interaction, because the body language is so obvious. But it appears there’s an issue with older people with this one. I suggest getting out more and being normal.
  6. Already answered. Instead of just believing what makes one self feel comfortable, try being an independent empirical thinker and do a little objective research, if it’s even possible
  7. Not lies, facts conflated by the opposition. Bad reporting and the opposition sucks it up to fit their narrative. 555! Thanks for validating my point 555! Articles like this are limited and are designed to incite indifference and limited knowledge.
  8. Sensationalism at its finest and the art of conflating the facts to appear as truth. This is an ethical issue, not a legal issue. But as usual the crazy dems scream hop and holler in hysterics over minor things of the right and do nothing say nothing report nothing about their own filthy corruption.
  9. What?? We all know climate has been changing for millions of years, learned that in grade school. Tell me something I don’t already know.
  10. Is this an attempt to conflate and propagate more hysterics? It’s been downgraded as the same level as the flu and we have here a story posted that seems to have an ulterior motive, something I’ve been noticing quite a around here lately.
  11. Nothing to do with being shy. I just don’t like it when men look at me like I’m an anomaly or some sort of visual stimuli, yes that is very scary and creepy. Not my thing. But for you guys that are looking for attention from other men, well then have at it, hope you find what you’re Looking For.????
  12. It happens more frequently in cm because a lot of the customers are from the south. Never noticed people wasting food at the Phayao Fahsai, and certainly not much at the one in Lamphun
  13. Since Sukontha is now closed for good, personally I’d go to Fahsai. But be aware, the Fahsai in cm will charge you extra if you don’t finish eating everything you brought to the table. Unlike the Fahsai locations in Phayao and lamphun, thay won’t change extra.
  14. A bit overly obsessive about complete strangers don’t you think? Seems rather desperate and unfriendly, not someone I’d want to interact with. Remind me not to say hi if ever cross paths ????????????
  15. Really now, this is silly. Who freakin cares? Just because someone is white they somehow deserve your attention? Is this type of differentiating between races so important? Good grief already, people are people no matter where they’re from. Or do you expect your proper response type from everyone you see?
  16. Well you’re a much better person than I am. I have zero tolerance for idiots, get a good read on them quickly and move on. As far as calling anyone out, it’s for family members only. Life is too good and short for any riff-raff.
  17. A few quality friends has more value then whole lot of friends with a mix of good and bad. Though unfortunately sometimes it’s hard to weed them out.
  18. Really? Wow you made my point. Who are you to impose an obligation on a complete stranger? Do you do this to everyone? Foreigner, Thai Chinese Burmese? Most people just go about their lives privately and most people are friendly. The last thing most want to interact with is an individual that can’t retain composure and impose on them, such as the above statement and its indicative of many foreigners I come across here. If someone doesn’t respond to you, then why not just go about your business rather than getting upset at a complete stranger? Doesn’t seem normal. I treat everyone the same, here or back in the US. I’ve always ignored people looking for attention, especially over friendly zealots.
  19. Absolutely! Thanks for the affirmation! But it’s true. A lot of guys get shot down by decent women in the north when they come, so they go hit the bars or go back south to where the “action” is. ???? What is so difficult about being a decent respectful human and treating everyone with dignity and respect?
  20. I personally don’t have any western friends here now, most of the westerners I run into here drink too much are loud pretentious and show-offs in a creepy sort of way, Some of ones that live here are very odd, it’s almost like they seem like they think they own the place, mental disorder?. I don’t drink, my wife doesn’t drink neither does her family. Just don’t want to get involved. So, sorry if you see me out and about and I didn’t acknowledge your presence and give you recognition, it’s because I don’t want anything to do with... ????
  21. This is why a lot, most women here, at least here in the north are afraid and scared of most foreign men. Just some of the descriptives some of my friends use are psychopaths, not normal and rude. It’s probably why the creepy creeps end up hanging out boozer bars with prostitutes and some even marring them because decent Decent Thai women won’t get near them and don’t want anything to do with the creep trash that comes here.
  22. Try geriatric hospital in hangdong. Good hospital good doctors and not expensive.
  23. OP, have your friend go bank hopping and ask what the requirements are to open an account. Not all bank branches abide by the same rules. If to no avail then an agent can help . Or just get the proper visa.
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