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Everything posted by novacova

  1. You are exactly what you say, how ironic and senseless ????. But I can understand, unfortunately some around here are unhappy with themselves ???? maybe time to get that little nob polished, if it’s even possible ????????????????
  2. If you want salmon that has not been previously frozen, then I’d suggest grab a fishing pole and go nab the critters on your own. Or go find a dock where they’re coming in unfrozen.
  3. Santitham is my favorite area. Lots of different shops, Kad Thannin. Id prefer to hang out with Thais anyway, foreigners not so much. Come to think of it, I’ve only spoken to one foreigner in the last two years.
  4. Restaurant. Not a market, not going to find any frozen wild caught in a grocery store/market here.
  5. Chang Phueak near Lotus off 11
  6. T-Bar or Hom bar. My local friends like hanging out at those bars, if you like hanging out with Thais
  7. Same in the US. It’s caught and thrown in the freezer on the boat. They’re not going to risk losing a catch due to a logistic failure.
  8. Well my hearing is messed up, but I do my best ????
  9. Fuji airport central, last year wild caught pacific. The other in ninnmam 4 years ago, I’ll try to remember where and get back to you.
  10. but I prefer American Indian style smoked salmon, like alder wood. So let’s import some red alder and get this thing moving????
  11. Because every time I’m served a tiny amount of food for a big price I say Nidnoy!
  12. I’ve see wild caught salmon only at a couple of places here, expensive and nidnoy, not worth it. So the farm stuff will do and good enough for me.
  13. I’ve noticed a lot of vehicles here don’t have dash vents for the windows
  14. It’s usually where the sushi joints purchase their salmon for sashimi. I eat it all the time and it doesn’t seem awful to me.
  15. Go to Makro for the fresh farm stuff and diy smoke it. One could probably rig up a clay mukata wood cooker. Finding proper US style stuff here can be a challenge unless it’s imported.
  16. Buy a vehicle with a factory heater. Otherwise forget about it. Propane stove or as another mentioned, get a sweater. Move to the beach? I like the cooler weather and adjust acclimate to the conditions and usually don’t start complaining until it gets above 40c
  17. Gaia GPS app works good for me. Good detail and not cluttered zoom. Download maps and save for offline use. For me, paper maps are antiquated artifacts of the past
  18. Maybe it’s been 10 years since he’s been here. Maybe those with messed up elementary grammar don’t know anything either ????
  19. Cash QR CC…to each their own. Why argue over something so menial since it’s a personal preference, I don’t get it and who cares about other personal preferences anyway? Back to the BigC cashier flipping through the password/passport thing?
  20. I’ve never been asked for id. I just slip my card in and go. If someone ever asks me in the future, then I’ll just show them my drivers license. And if someone gets fussy about it, we’ll then I’ll get fussy as well, as in “mai mai!” wave the card and split
  21. Makes for a less weedy forum and more centralized information
  22. Seems like it would be easier to fly to Kuala Lumpur for a night
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