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Everything posted by ed79

  1. I can't remember the exact wording form Seagate, but if you buy "retail" from an official supplier then the warranty is from purchase date as long as you can supply a receipt (maybe you even have to register to start the warranty online with them). But the AliExpress / overseas suppliers would 100% be classed as OEM and these warranties start when Seagate supplies to the re-seller.
  2. I don't think they're fake, but are they genuinely new and unused? I did some research on Ironwolfs being sold on Aliexpress last year. Some of the reviews showed serial numbers and I was able to do a warranty check from Seagate. Being as the Pro versions are supposed to come with 5 year warranty, the 3 drives I checked were all around 2 years into their 5 year warranty. Possibly they've been sat on a shelf for 2 years, but then again maybe they've been running 24/7. As they were pretty much half the official new price you have to suspicious I think. I decided not to take a chance. The 3 in the pictures here were warranty checked in June 2023...
  3. The discount in the OP says " (discount from 500 THB per time) until your next visa renewal." The offer was for 3 or 4 90 days reports following the visa renewal, but apparently has been rescinded after only the first 90 day report.
  4. Example current 14px vs 16px...
  5. The font size did decrease around a day or 2 after the forum was updated. I noticed the smaller size around 3 days ago I think. I'm finding it hard to read on my laptop screen. I checked the .css and the default font-size is now 14 pixels. If I manually set it to 16px it looks like I remember before, and it's much nicer/easier to read...
  6. For good views I'd suggest to have a look at The Vision condo. I haven't stayed there myself so can't comment on rooms sizes etc, but it's right at the top of Pratumnak hill so should get good views. There's a couple of videos that show the views here:- Also nearby is this 2 bedroom in Peak Towers looks great but the 25k baht rent was during covid times so probably back to 30k or more now...
  7. Thanks, luckily in my case I'm selling much lower value stuff - Desktop PC, TV etc. In England I just use eBay and the mix of messages from genuine buyers to time wasters/scammers is about 50/50.
  8. I've zero problem selling / replying to messages from Thais. In fact as I type this I remember in 2017 I sold an electric Wok to a Thai guest house owner in Chiang Mai????. He messaged, we arranged to meet and he collected all within about 2 hours. HOWEVER:- In the past 12 months I've listed 5 items on FB marketplace (in CM and Pattaya). I must have had 30+ messages from Thais, to which I always reply but 95%+ never respond. Of my 5 listings, 3 have sold, 1 to a girl from UK, 1 to a Korean and 1 to a Russian.
  9. Thanks, I've just joined that one now.
  10. You know I might try that. Maybe a comparison table with 10x the price for Thais vs "others".
  11. Hi All, I've listed a couple of items I'm trying to sell second hand in Pattaya on facebook Marketplace. So far I've had plenty of enquires but they've 95% been tyre kickers. When I was in Chiang Mai I was able to sell a couple of things through local buy/sell/swap type English speaking FB groups. Does anyone know any similar groups I could try posting to in this area (Pattaya)? Currently 100% of the enquiries I've had from Thais on Marketplace have been time wasters.
  12. And the first six are all owned by someone called Steve - just sayin'
  13. If anyones still interested here a couple of pictures...
  14. ed79

    Recommended 75" TV

    As a "value conscious" buyer I'm very happy with the 65" TCL I got last month. It was the cheapest 4K HDR I could find that had Android OS (Google TV). I paid 12,200 for the 65". They do a 75" version but that's about 50% more expensive. It's QLED (not OLED) but the blacks are darker than any other LED TV or monitor I've had, although I've never seen an OLED in real life to compare. I got it from TCL official store on Lazada. Price changes pretty much every day depending on what voucher or sale available... 65" - https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tcl-65-led-4k-uhd-google-tv-wifi-65t635-googlenetflix-youtube-voice-search-edgeless-design-dolby-audiohdr10chromecast-built-in-i4049172327-s15763647164.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3A%3Bnid%3A4049172327%3Bsrc%3AlazadaInShopSrp%3Brn%3A42a29d3b50eacc9d0f0beae41958d068%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A4049172327_TH%3Bprice%3A16690%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100190115%3Bpromotion_biz%3A%3Basc_category_id%3A4364%3Bitem_id%3A4049172327%3Bsku_id%3A15763647164%3Bshop_id%3A216356&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=&price=1.669E 4&priceCompare=&ratingscore=4.959595959595959&request_id=42a29d3b50eacc9d0f0beae41958d068&review=99&sale=401&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.store_product.list.i40.39e13dbfN59ozX&stock=1 75" - https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tcl-75-led-4k-uhd-google-smart-tv-75p63575p637-google-netflix-youtube-voice-search-dolby-audiohdr10chromecast-built-in-i4126170850-s16171566035.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3A%3Bnid%3A4126170850%3Bsrc%3AlazadaInShopSrp%3Brn%3A469298acb622271e08c6a6a0795099e0%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A4126170850_TH%3Bprice%3A23190%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100190115%3Bpromotion_biz%3A%3Basc_category_id%3A4364%3Bitem_id%3A4126170850%3Bsku_id%3A16171566035%3Bshop_id%3A216356&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=&price=2.319E 4&priceCompare=&ratingscore=4.847222222222222&request_id=469298acb622271e08c6a6a0795099e0&review=72&sale=245&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.store_product.list.i79.39e13dbftonIWg&stock=1
  15. I saw the shop last week. It's now this building on streetview... https://goo.gl/maps/QpnGCpjeKFo3T4yv5
  16. I think thats what its saying here but I can't find an English version... https://www.ntbroadbandbiz.com/nt-max-dfiber/
  17. ???? They did fall at the first hurdle when I tried using their website to check coverage at my address. The answer was... ไม่สามารถติดต่อระบบได้ในขณะนี้ I'll see if I can motivate myself enough to visit their office in person. Thanks!
  18. I've a question if you don't mind dddave... I'm in the same situation where my condo ISP choices are TOT(NT) or 3BB. I'm thinking of the NT 300/300 which is half the price of the cheapest from 3BB. How long did it take them to install and did you have to pay an installation fee with TOT? My condo told me fibre only goes as far as the ground floor then would use the phone lines up to my room. Also, I've been googling and can't find an official rep / Line / Facebook page in Pattaya for NT (3BB have stores in Central Festival plus others). How did you contact them to place the order?
  19. Yep, I noticed the exact same thing. I left Pattaya 6 months ago for Chiang Mai. Bolt in CM is a waste of time (no cars available or 25 minute wait for them to arrive). I was looking forward to returning to Pattaya and being able to use Bolt again. I've been back a week and journeys that used to be 60 baht are now 100-120.
  20. This is Nov22 vs last week. Taken from Tops Supermarket about 6.5km in a straight line from the temple. It's got worse since then. I've been here since the start of November and yesterday and today have been the worst so far. At a distance of 6km, Doi Suthep was completely invisible. My AQ monitor was reading 220 yesterday morning on my balcony.
  21. Thanks, I've been in CM for a month but just today got an air fryer, so I can cook "food from home" type stuff again. Apartment already included fridge, microwave, kettle and toaster. Pattaya had Siamburis, The Pantry and the Britshop mentioned above that all did free home delivery. Looks like CM doesn't really have anything comparable. I will ask on Facebook though ????
  22. Aww, don't be sad.
  23. Yeah I did have a look at them, thanks. But as you say it would need delivering from Pattaya area. I hoped someone entrepreneurial might have started the same kind of thing locally here. Siamburis (aka expatfoodsthailand) also deliver to Chiang Mai. Of the two I think Siamburis have better range & prices.
  24. I have a fridge/freezer and a sink on the balcony. That's it.
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