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Everything posted by Jimjim1

  1. Neither would I. At the moment his friend has a piece of albut useless land that no one including him takes care of and then along comes the poster believing everything his “friend” tells him and builds a house on it, and when it is completed and BEFORE he moves in his good “friend “ decides not to be so friendly anymore because he now has a very useful piece of land with a house on it for FREE and now worth at least a couple of million. Like a lamb to the slaughter comes to mind.
  2. I believe that if you go to the lowest level and walk through the tunnel leading to magic village street food you will pass male and female toilets, just descend around the middle of the airport and you will have to pass through the tunnel.
  3. Sounds to me that you have a leak in the fuel delivery system which allows air in over night and you have to crank the engine until the fuel is pushed to the engine clearing the air and allowing the engine to start, the earlier suggestion of a leaky injector could be correct so you should check all fuel line connection's.
  4. Funny but I do not ever recall stating that others do not use telephones or technology just because I choose not to nor have I ever stated that I am not in favour of it, after all how could I be against something I use myself, the difference is that I use it in moderation and do not allow it to run my life. As for your statement that technology has not caused a dumbing down I trust that when you run down the clown who is glued to his, her telephone oblivious to anything around them and steps out in front of your car, you find some other reason as to why that person did it. It is quite obvious that to admit that technology was the cause would be a complete anathema to you. Look in any restaurant etc where you will see two or more people at dinner all of them glued to their respective smart telephones with not a word passing between them and then tell the world that media technology has not dumbed them down.
  5. My sentiments exactly digger, well said. I carry a PB only so that I can watch a movie on my iPad when doing interminably long bus journeys in Thailand and the UK, other than that everything remains turned off and never used on aircraft for that I watch in flight movies using a little gizmo that allows me to connect EarPods using blue tooth so no wires to tangle in.
  6. My telephone gets turned on for less than one hour each day just to check my emails and other messages, should I need to make a call it is done within that same hour and then turned off until the next day. I have better things to do with my time than to be glued to a technological dummy or as some would say a pacifier, I do not subscribe to Facebook, TikTok or any other of the media sites that do every thing in there power to undermine the intelligence of the individual. And before the clowns out there who put funny face emoticon on this reply, don’t, you only place yourselves in the category alluded to above and look stupid for doing so.
  7. Airlines now offer internet services for the duration of the flight so have you ever tried using your phone etc from a bag and a fire proof one at that.
  8. Does it really matter, the point is this woman did not snatch the land of these poor people and herein lies a lesson for the thousands of heartless mafia types who know full well that the interest they charge makes the debt un repayable and it is about time the banks made borrowing at a low interest rate more available to needy hard working people, there is no reason to believe that they do not have the experience to know who is a relatively good bet to lend to, and that alone will undermine the loan sharks by about 95%
  9. Absolute RUBBISH ! Upon further investigation it may well be found that the item was a Chinese knockoff readily available on the streets of Thailand. Most Quality power banks carry a kite mark denoting it’s from a registered quality producer, my own PB has this mark and I always give it to the security staff to to check it when I go through the X-ray, and it is the first thing they look for, usually those who have inferior products get it confiscated, and rightly so. In my estimation the staff were not on the ball in this case and further training would not go amiss. I always carry a spare phone with me in my iPad bag and a PB beside it and if I should forget to take it out the staff have ALWAYS asked to to see it but ignored the phone, so well trained staff can always tell the difference
  10. It is called CONTEMPT for all who are / were loyal to them. I fly 4 times each year and used to fly all over the place in domestic but up to now after god knows how many years I do not appear to have accrued enough Airmiles for even a ONE WAY internal flight after spending thousands of GB pounds with them
  11. Just how SAFE are you if you die in an accident ?
  12. I was once told by a Thai hotel receptionist that all over yellow cabs are predominantly run by mafia types and I have to say that has been my experience at the airport
  13. If as you say “don’t do F ALL “ you are actually doing everything.
  14. What always amazes me is how according to the reporter the VEHICLE always loses control which begs the question what the hell was the driver doing? Surely the vehicle is only doing what a vehicle will do if the DRIVER is not in control. RIP young man.
  15. So Thailand just who is going to monitor this and act when a transgression is spotted? I sincerely hope it will not be the likes of the cop who today stood idly by as a pickup up truck driver ran a red light and forced me to stop walking across the marked crossing on the road narrowly missing me, the clown in brown just watched and did nothing, obviously there is absolutely no connection between scratching his a - - and doing what he should have in accordance with the law. So will this new emissions law be implemented ??? Off to 7/11 now to buy more masks.
  16. At last someone who reads and understands the entire article as written, well done! However I am more than surprised that you have not been castigated for doing so. Guess I will be though for pointing it out
  17. Yes because it was untreated and no attempt made to compost it over time, just dump it and spread it.
  18. Why is there always one nit picker? We all knew what he was talking about even in this sad time for him. As for the use of him,he,she and her try telling Google translate it can never get it in the right context and if this poster has used this app I can well understand why his use of words were incorrect.
  19. Here you go ,100% nation basher, you obviously come from the ONLY country in the world that does not have it’s full share of kiddie fiddlers. Tell us the name please so we can send in the Americans to obliterate it, after all we cannot allow a country of innocents to exist can we.
  20. I did not take issue with your post nor did I attempt insult your intelligence I merely pointed out an impression that reading it imparted to me, so perhaps the rereading should be done on your part wherein you will note that I mentioned well rotted manure which in a nit picking exercise means composting, I also mentioned that treated human waste was used up until around the middle 1960’s, what I did not elaborate on was that the ultra violate light used back then to treat it was not sufficient because the depth of the passing gallon rate was higher than the coverage of UVL so it’s use was stopped. I am also very aware of the reasons to compost and the production of natural nitrates, it is also why plants that have finished producing it’s edible part like cabbage and runner beans should never be dug up only cut to the ground because the root structure will be covered in little round balls of natural nitrates which will impart their goodness into the ground as winter progresses and turns into spring ready for crop replanting. Only plants such as potato and tomato ( same family ) should be completely removed from the ground when finished producing and never composted to prevent diseases inherent to those plants so the operative points here are “ Well rotted “ = composting and “ natural production processes “ . I say again I did not take issue with your post and had you read my reply correctly you would have found no reason to take issue with me. End of.
  21. I maybe wrong but I get the impression from this one statement that you are decrying the use of manure in one’s garden, I have used well rotted horse and cattle manure in my organic garden for the last 70 years trenched in and covered with no health problems ever and just to clarify a point or two, the French being the “ French “ and to a lesser extent the Spanish used human waste for millennia and in some areas still do and that was where the problems of E-coli etc came about. The use of animal manure is documented further back than the Romans and deemed a natural source of fertiliser long before the introduction of CANCER CAUSING CHEMICAL NITRATES, Natural animal manures promote the natural nitrates produced by all plants thereby naturally promoting growth, taste, and vitamins, and is still used by farmers to this day when they go about there business in the spring with a muck spreader on the fields that they use to get milk and fatten their cattle for human consumption. Up until the 1960’s treated human waste was spread on the land by farmers and it was only the discovery of the links between it and bacterial infections that put a stop to its use, but that was human waste left on the land not in it. As for the rest of your post I am fully in agreement with your words and this reply is only a clarification of the points mentioned.
  22. The pic shows no bra and no pants so to comply just go naked
  23. Anybody have any info on similar items for sale 2nd hand or auction houses in Roi Et ? Thanks in advance
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