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Everything posted by Jimjim1

  1. Probably trying to discover if they can fit wings to abandoned submarines to make some use of them
  2. A gentleman’s word is his bond. and Never break a promise no matter what happens
  3. Yes they are and we as users must report them if they don’t BUT the problems are legion if you don’t picture the driver and the licence on the dash and the taxi number plate as he drives away. The driver is unlikely to be the licence holder but this person will be listed on the licence and in effect is complicit in the scam, so all of the mentioned information should be presented to the tourist police and if they fail to act advise them that you will email all the said info to the Priminister. I can remember the last one saying it was the law and we should complain. And as for the tictoker, I suspect that he knew fully about this scam and has used it solely to enhance his bank account and in so doing has created an injustice to all of us.
  4. Cannot agree with you more. it never ceases to amaze me how thoroughly obnoxious some people are. All credit goes to those who know what this site is about and genuinely try to help.
  5. Slickest bank on the high street if someone is clever enough to set up a website for people to vote on this 100,000 votes is all it needs to get it discussed in the house and given the hardships these banks are causing they may well be told by government to keep these accounts open. There are millions of expats around the world so 100,000 votes is nothing. The banks were recently forced to maintain ATMs on the streets which they wanted to discontinue to make us into a cashless society so they would not have to pay salaries to employees to fill and service these machines. so with enough votes it is a serious possibility that they can be forced to maintain and service expat accounts.
  6. Absolutely correct, you can be 100% sure that this particular bank will alway DUMP it loyal customers especially if it is not making at least 30% from your money. I had almost 30 years of business dealings with them and you would not believe the dirty tricks they tried to play on me, from dumping my account and money in a non active account so they could seriously reduce the 1% interest they paid on my money to trying to change the interest terms and agreement by using the tiniest very very feint printed word trusting that I would not see it or be able to read it, but my eyesight is 100% and a printers magnifiers glass confirmed what I was reading, and when I confronted them about it they could not back track fast enough and they never tried it again. I only have a credit card with them now with infrequent use and immediate pay off the moment it is due so I expect that to go soon because they must be really p- - - -d off about it. Lets face it they are not exactly losing on these accounts just look at the charges for transferring YOUR money
  7. Go to the Dog not it’s bark write directly to the MD send it registered, complain bitterly but not offensively at the shoddiness of his staff but end it in a conciliatory manner by say that you find it unbelievable that such a fine company as the one he represents could intentionally be as bad as you have found it to be, and that the actions to date of Airasia’s customer relations department is seriously over shadowing any form of good customer relations which should be their first priority. It will be received by his PA who will show it to him and some form of action will be taken. Make you letter clear and concise but SHORT don’t waffle on just use as few words as possible. Enclose in a bundle any correspondence you have had both ways including reference numbers. Remember the MD is busy so he will breeze it and give it back to his PA to deal with. so remember SHORT, SWEET, CLEAR, CONCISE, FIRM, but NOT OFFENSIVE. an insult will get you one back and that will be the end of it. Good luck and if you are successful ( and I will be surprised if you are not.) PM me and you can buy me a coffee, I don’t drink alcohol.
  8. Why go down that road right now when an X-ray by a dentist will or should highlight the problem. However if it does not then go the other route. The problem may just be a tooth developing under an existing and the pressure of eating is causing contact between the two, resulting in pain.
  9. I see 4 of 5 low production costs being the only one with any truth behind it
  10. It is the same in every country in the world including your home country, if you are so adamantly against it set up a world wide website and campaign against it, I am sure you will win at least one vote, your own ! It is a lost cause and unless you can REALLY do something about why harp on about it.
  11. Sorry but it goes much deeper than that, the pig is considered unclean starting with the fact that whilst it may keep its bed relatively clean it c - - ps on its doorstep and wallows in it, also it’s faeces is the worst and all pervading smell of any animal, yet funnily enough the organs of the pig are known to be closer to humans and more usable to us than the animal we have all supposedly evolved from, The great ape. Mind you there are more pigs than apes so the numbers for medical research are obvious.
  12. And soon they will realise the horrors of obesity diabetes and serious heart problems amongst other sicknesses but hey ho who am I to advise anyone except that I am almost 80 now, have never to this day taken any of the usual meds for older people, And I have never eaten any of the items mentioned EVER, the smell coming from the cooker stack is bad enough.
  13. The best advice ever. Push it away or it will consume you 24/7
  14. Don’t think there is a fighting age in Russia now, last I heard Putin was so desperate he has begun signing up a wheelchair brigade
  15. Is’nt the internet a wonderful thing especially the two most prominent info grabbers who are capable of analysing every f - - -t and can tell you what you ate last night, they are as bad if not worse than the Chinese government, unbelievable really when one considers they are both American companies we all laughingly know as the land of the FREE. just look at the list of email addresses you use and you will see that it does not matter which moniker you use 99% of them will be logged into one thing “ your real name “ because somewhere at sometime you used it and the info grabbers grabbed it and the scammers can find it with consummate ease.
  16. Jimjim1

    Head or Heart.

    My thoughts exactly, I know there are a lot of s - - -s in Thailand but I did not realise so many of them were so freaking heartless.
  17. Good practise and well done But I can see a future problem when your daughter goes to uni amongst all the have nots she will probably be the only have a lot and that in itself will cause her angst, the envy and indeed jealousy will be tantamount to suffering so may I also suggest that whilst you are commendably teaching her good life skills you should also begin to teach her how to handle the inevitable. Best wishes
  18. You, may well be fully up to scratch regarding this matter but many are not and as has been stated he is not in the U.K. and therefore it is only right and proper to direct him to a lawyer, after all if he were as well informed as you, methinks he would not be asking for advice in here. My own understanding of this and I will stand corrected if wrong is that the person handing over a POA loses control of his/ her finances. And in answer to the question from another reply, many eventual beneficiaries hold POA’s
  19. But surely the extra in country spend is going to out weigh that loss. methinks the only real loss will be the 100 baht the IO conveniently does not give back when you hand over 2,000baht to pay the 1,900 visa charge.
  20. So WHY should we be forced to clear the screen before we can read what we want to read in the FORUM just because some bonehead has decided to make it as difficult and obstructive as possible for regular readers. It would be safe to assume that this website is now 90% consumed by advertising that very few contributors ever read or use and we are now blasted by a very large block out ad which we have to clear before we can read the posts we want. Get rid of this 3/4 page disgraceful intrusion and let’s get back to what we come here for in the first place, that is to read the FORUM COMMENTS. The only thing ads in this format do is P- - - people off to the point of exit resulting in the bonehead having achieved nothing good for the company. If other members agree with my sentiments use it as a voting platform and put your marker here
  21. The simple fact that the Thai people who try to show you respect by overcoming their inherent shyness to speak English to you leaves you annoyed, Really? I wonder how they feel when they struggle to understand your obviously perfectly fluent Thai. There are some very sad individuals living in Thailand, Why do you live here when it appears that your main contribution is to insult the locals and those who post good events they experience. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  22. Or he could look for other fighters with the same problem but with the opposite leg than his, everything will be on the level then.
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