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Everything posted by Jimjim1

  1. It’s all a bit like I Os. Personal interpretation and not actual interpretation of job description and rules is the order of the day. TIT
  2. Ok well you reckon you know better that anybody so suffice it to say that I personally spoke at great length with my insurers and got a letter from them confirming all risks at 100% I also extended my travel period, so I currently have an annual policy with a 90 day cover for ANY trip I make in the year, so I can go out for 90 days come back for one day and go straight back out again with the same cover and all I do is tell them. I have not said that it was easy to do BUT if you know what you are talking about and want they the insurers have a clear idea of what is being requested of them and can say yes or no,and in my case it was a signed and confirmed yes.
  3. So the poster should be more than 100%honest with the insurance company and talk to a manager to negotiate a favourable outcome. There are many companies and agents on the British market who are happy to cover pre-existing so if he is in the UK he should talk with them about annual cover with £10,000,000 being a minimum. If it costs £300 to £500 per annum it is still very good and cheap for £10,000,000, personally I would be happy to pay £1,000 for that level of cover, but then that’s just me. Now it’s time for the cheap Charlie idiots to put the befuddled emoticon on here.
  4. Every time I arrive in Thailand and indeed any country I do so with a folder full of details regarding my travel insurance and a letter from my insurance company confirming that I have £10,000,000 of full cover, I have never yet been asked for it but it is available for any official to peruse, so the matter is easily checked.
  5. Obviously you think 7 baht is to little and not worth your time To go and pay it, well the good news (not ) is in double QuickTime they will discover just how lucrative VAT is and treble it, currently 30million parcels at 7 baht = 210 million baht for free so imagine when the greedy side kicks in AGAIN.
  6. Please just remember that where ever you get your taxi there will be a 99% chance that the driver will be tired before he starts and will head for the nearest 7/11 to get several bolt upright kick up the a- - bottles of caffeine so that he can drive with his eyes firmly fastened to his chin rather than do it in stages and frequently rest up, so be sensible and don’t put yourself and your family into an extremely dangerous position, the driver will not tell you he is tired but he is guaranteed to fall asleep at sometime during the 15 hour journey usually on a bend in the road that they really do not have the experience to negotiate correctly even when they are fresh. we have all seen Thai drivers hurtle into a bend and hit the brakes last second because they do not know how to drive properly and use the road. Having had one experience of one of these fabled clowns on a trip from Suvarnabhumi to Pattaya where I had to slap his head to wake him up I would never ever consider a journey such as yours in a taxi or mini bus. so be sensible and good luck and before the idiot brigade in here who consummately pooh pooh suggestions of common sense, I have experienced these idiot drivers.
  7. I wrote about exactly what I do every time I come to Thailand and I have never had a problem, I simply tell the io where I am staying and they stamp my PP for an additional 30 days and give me a receipt for 1900baht clipped into my PP. I never use the full 30 days leaving after 45 to 50 well within the 60 day period and airport io’s always smile and are very friendly. As for a TM30 I have never been asked for one but I did once ask the hotel for a letter confirming my residence however the io did not even look at it so I have not bothered since, I just carry a hotel card should anything arise.
  8. Ask her to put it in writing and then post it here so we know it is not bs
  9. Quick update you can go to any io in Thailand but you must check in to a hotel in the city you are in and take a hotel card with you so they will know where you are staying and can check if they want to. I have gone to an io within an hour of checking in and had no problem getting the extension
  10. If you know you are going to stay 40 or 45 days why not simply buy your expected departure date flight and a few days after you arrive go to an io anywhere in Thailand and buy a 30day extension it is easy and should take no more than 1 hour, just go in and ask for an extension, they are fully prepared for it and know what to do, I do this every time paying an agent for something as simple as that is a complete waste of money as is paying a fee to change your flight. One word of caution, tea money is still very much a thing with io’s so hand over 2,000baht and do not expect or ask for any change, if the io offers change (unlikely) don’t accept it just quietly tip it back over the counter they will remember you next time just go for it you will be surprised at how easy it is.
  11. Try giving it to her once and she might stop……….
  12. My mistake and I apologise my memory is not so good now that I am a wrinkly, but whatever you pay for a good cup of tea has got to be worth it has’nt it. Surely just because someone chooses not to follow the crowd and not be a bar hound does not make him a cheap Charlie whatever price he pays for his tipple, it simply means that the places he frequents have a pricing structure that is not a complete ripoff, which actually makes a big difference considering the comments on an almost daily basis about ripoff taxis, national parks, and all the other generalisations.
  13. One day you may be old and lucky enough to be a “grey nomad” yourself so I hope you will remember your disgraceful ageist remarks. As for the person concerned here IF he is entirely to blame in this and was indeed intoxicated he deserves what he gets, but looking at the wider picture turning left at a junction without stopping is probably the most stupid action on Thai roads but to do it without looking and driving straight out is beyond belief.
  14. Correct me if I have mixed you up with another but did’nt you complain about the 25Baht price of a cup of Tea a few years ago.
  15. Again true but this is because the Ukrainians were forced to learn Russian by the soviets but they kept their own language and culture, Singaporn was wrong to state “same language same culture because it was an independent country before the red revolution and therefore had its own language and culture, it was also the bread basket of the Soviet Union because of the quality of the wheat and other food products it can grow, and now much of the world is / was reliant on that wheat.
  16. No it is’nt Ukraine has always had it’s own language even when the soviets insisted on the Russian language they still used there own amongst themselves.
  17. The same thing was happening a lot in Jomtien a few years ago, but the sad thing was that the restaurantuers logged us all in with the Russians and places I had gone many times and who Inew me very well suddenly demanded payment before placing my order, I was in one when about 20 people came in ordered and ate the food and then slowly left until only one remained who then denied any knowledge of the others only paying for his own food order. They were able to leave because it was a very busy restaurant and the toilet was in back and led directly to the car park, freeking cheap Charlie’s screwed it for everyone.
  18. Nah but you got the rock he lives under just to the right of the tail feathers
  19. Don’t get too upset it is just another youngster discovering the wheel again, they do this every day and INFLUENCE the rest of the brain dead bunch to do the same.
  20. An earlier answer to mine was to put stones in a tin and rattle it when they approach you and this is good advice, however if you do the same in a large plastic water bottle and do the same it will make a louder noise because of the size of the bottle and that is enough to send them away. You do not need a lot of stones maybe 6 to 9 or twelve at most the rounder the better and of a size just small enough to go through the neck of the bottle, any smaller and they will not rattle properly.
  21. Stupid is as stupid gets that’s why the Thais are kept down, the information and advice given by monks is incredibly childish
  22. Take a look at your posture, ask your wife to watch you when you are walking, if you are leaning forward and dropping your head towards your chest it will sub consciously stay with you when you go to bed so straighten your back and raise your head on the pillow, you could even use a neck brace like the one used by people with spondylitis but only briefly no more than a week or two and only when you sleep. Probably the best way to find out if you are doing this to any degree is to lie down flat on the floor and if it hurts to put your head down so much that you have to raise your legs to do it, there is your problem SO stay on the floor and relax your neck and when you feel comfortable slowly lower your legs until you are lying flat with your entire body in contact with the floor, then slowly move your head left to right shoulder to shoulder, if it hurts stop the movement at that point, but each time you do it try to move it a little further the idea of the exercise is to regain full movement in the neck do not raise your head off the floor to do this. Do all of this as often as you like in a day and certainly every day and do not at any time force any part of the head movement further than is comfortable. When getting back up again roll over onto your knees and get up. It worked for me so Good luck. PS leaning forward and dropping the head towards the chest is an age thing so don’t be shy most of us do it but are not aware of it until someone tells us we are doing it. .
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