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Everything posted by Jimjim1

  1. I have no intention of quoting you or denying you as you obviously know your stuff, however I was merely quoting from the engineers report as shown to me by my friend and as presented to his insurance company who I believe claimed from the garage’s insurance company for negligent work practice and the cost of a replacement vehicle, his being written off. The report clearly stated that the calipers had not been torqued, his words right or wrong not mine. One can only assume therefore that the use of the word Torque is very much a mute point in this matter.
  2. Sadly wherever you buy any prepacked food stuffs such as fish and meat there is 99% chance that you will find the same loss in thawed weight, this is because retail frozen food suppliers were given permission to add up to 20% water to these products under the guise of it being needed to ensure 100% freezing throughout the product, however I do not believe they were given permission to add this water content to the overall price at purchase but we all know that compliance is only ever short term and rapidly becomes the accepted norm until somebody manages to complain in the right direction.
  3. He did not say it had fallen off, he said falling off two entirely different things, and he is correct in that the screeching is a precursor to the eventual total destruction of the front or back of the vehicle before it smashes into whatever gets in it’s uncontrolled brakeless way. Also they can come off as a friend found out to the cost of the garage who fitted brand new calipers but did not torque the bolts, luckily for my friend it happened at low speed as he traversed a roundabout.
  4. A 12 year old does not understand the difference between right and wrong ! Really ? I do not side with the teacher in any way shape or form and he should be dealt with severely but I do question the way in which the child is being raised, the parents in most countries teach their children this difference right from the start so why are the Thai children different, surely the real failure here lays with the parents. Quite obviously the teacher was never taught it.
  5. You speak for yourself as I and I suspect many others in here have never been with a bargirl or ever been in a massage parlour nor would I and probably them ever dream of it, my experiences have all come from meeting and making great Thai friends over the last 27 years most of whom are working in highly responsible jobs such as banks, other financial institutions, management positions in the likes of Robinson, and many who run there own very successful businesses, all of them highly respected positions in high end companies, and non of them would ever prostitute themselves. whilst we are on the subject and as you ignorantly put it “ most members here seemingly know only uneducated lower class Thais “ ) I have known a great many who desperately wanted to learn and did all they could at school but were grossly let down by a failed education system overseen by so called teachers and administrators who consider themselves to be educated and beyond reproach, these poor students who may well have come from the villages have come from good solid families and although victims of circumstance have maintained there own personal high standards continuing there lives with true honesty and integrity. How dare you have the gall to insult me, the members here and the vast majority of Thais with your jaded views, I am so glad that I do not live under your particular cloud.
  6. No matter what anyone says here you will go to meet her, so go with an open mind but remember that some very pertinent points have already been made by others that you would do well to take on board and keep in mind, there is no reason to get yourself committed to a relationship immediately because it is so easy to meet a multitude of ladies other than bargirls and freelance, just take a look in Thaivisa.com and you will see what I mean. Back to the lady you are talking about, ALL Thais think that foreigners are rich irrespective of whether you are or not and she has two children by a Thai guy who takes NO responsibility for the children he has made and does not support them so you will be expected to do that, Do you really want to do that? She says she works for the government so her salary is between 15 to 18,000 baht per month which she manages to run her household so any BIG money you give her will take her out of her comfort zone and make her life difficult after you have moved on, Thais do not think about or like to save money they spend it immediately and usually more than you have given because they think you will pick up the bill. Lastly if she directly asks you for money she considers you to be her ATM so look to the horizon . Best wishes and enjoy your stay in Thailand
  7. She probably has’nt seen any of them cuming oops fat finger again.
  8. There are traffic lights at a crossing on 2nd road Pattaya but these uncaring uneducated clowns just ignore them, the only thing that stops them is a road block but even then the bike brigade steam through.
  9. These human dumpsters rarely if ever make a “ error of judgement “ they take a calculated risk in the belief that they are more clever and WILL getaway with it. So why in your estimation should they be given another chance to profit in any way from the scourge of pedophilia and or the disgraceful sick minded intrusion into people’s privacy. We should be able to go to the bathroom or stay in a hotel room etc without having to fear that there may be a camera concealed somewhere filming our every move. It begs the question How would you feel if you or your children were the subject in a movie of this sort. If it were me I can assure you that I would want to do much more than throw away the key.
  10. Jimjim1

    the wai

    Read what I wrote idiot, I was outside not inside and this happened when I entered the building not whilst I was waiting. It was not until after I left that I realised what had happened and why, and the point I was making was that showing respect costs nothing but the gains can be immense, perhaps if everybody did it the process they are going through would be speeded up instead everybody being sat on their rear end for hours waiting for the IO’s to get over the fact that they are p_ _ d of by the lack of ANY show of respect. When did I mention a 100 falang waiting before me ????? Good god there are some dummies in this world. My depiction was merely a passing on of my own experience which I am sure some have found it helpful, educational and worth a try but the old adage that you cannot educate pork weighs heavily on some others. It is said that ignorance is bliss so I will not respond further on this matter as it is pointless in your case.
  11. Jimjim1

    the wai

    No I did not, I did not know he was the chief or that he would do what he did until I got inside the office and was singled out, if you had read my reply properly you would not have made such an idiotic obnoxious retort, however it is quite obvious your ignorance outweighs any semblance of common sense and understanding, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself to sustain the attitude that you display here especially considering you are a guest in Thailand
  12. Jimjim1

    the wai

    But you are not waiing you are simply nodding your head which has no meaning, show me a Thai who does that to you, they will always put there hands together and that is the crux of the matter because the joining of hands is the ultimate mark of respect to a Thai. It does not matter if you mangle the sa wa dee khrup as long as you put your hands together when you do it, the only thing you need to be aware of is if the person is not an important one the wrists should not go above the chin but if they are then the wrists should be elevated towards the eyes but not above them. As an example the first time I went to an IM office my extension was slow and took more than an hour to complete and there were only 3 of us in the room, the second time I went I spotted the chief IO returning from his lunch so I wai ‘d him and when I went inside he deliberately made a point of dealing with me himself and sorted it in 10 minutes much to the chagrin of 10 or 12 others who had been sat waiting for I don’t know how long. Try it yourself respectfully, go to a hotel that you had previously book to stay at go to the concierge and wai him shake his hand and ask him how he is and you could suddenly find you have been upgraded to a room you would normally pay 1 to 3,000 baht more to stay in. It absolutely costs nothing to show respect but Thais will go out of there way to show it back to you.
  13. You have it in one sir, exactly the main reason why the western tourist is not here, we are not welcome here according to many government edicts during the time the last bunch ran the country, on top of that scamming us, double pricing, deliberate bureaucratic visa obstructions, exorbitant in necessary travel costs to name just a few is it any wonder that westerners are voting with there collective feet and going to Loas, Cambodia,Vietnam, Philippines and many other south East Asian countries for much the same pleasures that are on offer in Thailand. What is it with this government? Are they really so far up there own rear ends that they can not smell the smell. The favourite term from one particular general was the we are ALIANS, I am not an ALIAN I am a human being just like him, ( though one wonders about that ) with just one serious difference I / we appreciate and respect colour we do not denigrate with rascism or racist slurs.
  14. They should look at the treatment they have meted out to western tourists over the last 12 years, rascism ,a total lack of respect, rip off double pricing finger printing and photos upon entry to the country an obvious attempt at making visitors feel like the criminals we are not, to name but a few, and on top of that just look at the price of flights since Covid by the countries national airline which are completely unnecessary, fuel prices have not double or trebled but flight prices have. Anyone with half a brain would realise that with many countries struggling with high inflation and spiralling costs of living the way forward is to be more friendly towards potential visitors and set travel cost to a lower level thereby making such visits far more attractive, But this is Thailand where the mentality is entirely at odds with common sense and where the powers that be consider that being obstructive, causing visitors to feel completely unwelcome and raising prices across the board is the answer to enticing visitors to come back. Surely even to this bunch of government goons the answer is not rocket science or is it that they genuinely have a level of intelligence that totally precludes them from seeing the wood for the trees.
  15. Maybe it’s because most of the Thai women wear shorts and Scots guys wear skirts, so they come to Thailand to remind them selves that hairy legs are not for everybody 🤣🤣
  16. Strikes me that the government has yet again got hold of the wrong end of the stick and gone after the soft target. whilst the current government can be congratulated on it’s attempts to stop those who having got their own right of domicile then go forward and bring in a spouse from the home country ( mainly Indian, Pakistani and Africans ) who then get indefinite leave to stay themselves go on to bring in the hordes of family members and their wives and children thereby overloading the entire infrastructure of the country and who have never paid a penny in support for said infrastructure and creating an unfairness that is intolerable. Whereas the main problem for us brits is the incredible amount of ILLEGAL immigrants arriving daily in inflatable boats ( 750,000 this year alone ) who then get all of the benefits and a lot more besides to include furnished housing, weekly maintenance, heating, electricity and gas bills all paid, full access to the NHS doctors,Hospitals and DENTISTS all free which is denied to those of us who have paid into the system all of our lives, Just try to get an appointment with ones doctor, you might be lucky but you can wait up to 3 weeks, Dental appointments are relatively easy, you will still have to wait and because they are 98% private you have to pay, ILLEGALS don’t. Sadly the government pays lip service to stopping this inflow but actually doing nothing concrete about it. The problems we have today should not be placed entirely at the door of the current Tory government because it was really started by the last Labour administration who would sell there own children to get a vote for the party, the shengen borders agreement and Angela Merkle of Germany who said Germany needs 1 million immigrants to bolster it’s economy thereby opening the floodgates to millions of uneducated third world country peoples who will never ever be a worthwhile or beneficial population simply because a life on benefits is far more acceptable to them than working. So now we return to the parts that the government fails to understand, whilst this country needs QUALIFIED worthy immigrants who want to work and support themselves and their families they are precluded from doing so now by a policy that’s states they must be earning the equivalent of £38,000 completely forgetting that the salary structure within the countries of those wishing to come here is not commensurate with that level, so sadly they and any married Brit wishing to bring his / her partner here is punished by an ill thought out knee jerk reaction.
  17. Wot no FYNGAPLINTS ya mean ta say the FEEF did not leave any prints? Was he / she clever enough to think about that! Are they Thai or Burmese educated enough to know or think about that hmmm
  18. Methinks you may have misread my question to the poster. I asked him why he did not simply buy a return ticket when he bought the one way ticket if he was definitely leaving after 58 days, thereby notifying the points he was enquiring about namely the airline staff asking questions
  19. If you are determined to fly out after 58 days why did’nt you just buy a return ticket and visit immigration for an extra 30 day extension before the 30 day visa exempt is up? Unless I am missing something in your post.
  20. As I read this report I came upon the word EXECUTED and my heart soared but then I read THE ARREST, so had to settle on the consolation that at least one more of these grubby heartless degenerates has been removed from society for the time being.
  21. Brainwashed by the chemical companies and believes everything they say. What a fool ! I have grown and eaten organic foods all my life and at 77 years old I do not consume ANY medications and that includes viagra or any of its derivatives nor do I do not need glasses to read, can you do that having stuffed yourself stupid on chemically laced supermarket junk, and as for being a troll and a keyboard warrior you are never further from the truth, my comments here were meant only to pass on my own experiences and whilst some will understand this and have their interest peaked by it enough to give it a try there will always be some who decry it from the start, sadly no matter how hard we try it is impossible to educate PORK.
  22. Why not? Food does not have to be grown using chemical drenches, too many people believe the rhetoric put out by chemical companies and supermarkets alike. Yes it is true that to grow organically one has to be a little more diligent to stay on top of the bugs but this does not make the production more expensive,That is false information put out by the said interests one to aid the continuance of chemical use and the other to gain higher profits on any organic products sold in there stores.
  23. Who said anything about home gardening? or is that just your own ignorance showing because you have been picked up for your ridiculous comment. I have 10 hectares of close grown various crops all grown organically, however IF you had taken the time to read my post you would have seen that my point was NOT how much was grown but the way in which it was grown and the use of organic products to control the pests, and I reiterate again that these products are cheaper to buy and safer than the poison farmers have been brainwashed to use. German research scientists have discovered that land around the world is so depleted of natural nutrients that if the use of these chemicals is continued farmers will not be able to grow wholesome foods or indeed any food plants after 2060 because the land will be saturated with pollutant chemicals
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