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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. I used to blow off ugly internet dates by claiming to be severely depressed. Which I only realized I was as a result of that date.
  2. His posting style in one word: Incontinent.
  3. I wrote a long paper in grad school about how the Navaho were screwing the Hopi on water rights. The Zuni were then getting reamed by the Hopi. It's a mean ol' world.
  4. Made a pal, bit of a whiner, demands too much praise, no empathy in return. He needs to find another emotional tampon. Typically have seen him once a week, went to every 10 days, then 14. Decided on no more home visits since he's hard to get to leave. What's your ultimate final fade technique when off-loading dead wood?
  5. I had a quarter pounder delivered AND THEN I went to gym. OP response: "Mind blown".
  6. It's a new phoney thing to flatter yourself by being stoically against something harmless. This is like when people used to pretend to be mad about people talking on cell phones in restaurants. But the world decided to laugh out loud at those gormless whiners and do what they wanted. And that trend def goes triple for ordering food in.
  7. There's a little croissant and coffee next to Rock Me Burger in Nimman where I might pop in once a week (on foot, no less) for a pick up. While I'm waiting, at least 3-4 other orders are flying out the door via Grab delivery guys. I can't quit bring myself to ruminate on just why exactly those other people are ordering in. Let alone negatively denounce them. In Nimman, a prepaid 50 baht tip gets you your food incredibly fast. By the time I see "out for delivery", it's in the lobby before I can get down there on the elevator. 50 baht means no little texting friendship about traffic jams or how busy they are.
  8. I say always overpay and hope for the best. $ is their love language. I toss my maid 500 baht for a 400 baht job. I just her cleaning between the bristles of my electric tooth brush.
  9. Let's contemplate for a moment the sheer stupidity of endlessly tossing up links as homework for others to do. TL; dr is an unknown concept. Twenty words from him about the link? Impossible.
  10. We were in the far NW corner of NC, unfortunately, in a non-posh part, but it was the same John Denver-inspiring view. Winter bleakness and Rebel Yell bourbon had a half a dozen guys typically topping themselves before the spring. One trailer had six suicides take place in it. And then of course, anti-vax craziness emptied out whole villages. So many died that Biden is emboldened to try to turn NC blue again. They shoulda moved to Pattaya. The ol' ways are all but gone. They may have a Doc Watson Highway a postage stamp, and know his face from a many a mural hoping to "revive" some dying downtown, but I never met a single Appalachian who'd heard his music. He lived in a brick ranch down the road from me. He would draw a much bigger audience in Europe than in my town. Same as Chiang Mai. It would be a rare CM native who'd ever taken a peek into a hill tribe village.
  11. Thanks for your post. It's really interesting to hear about hunting etc. here. You may be the one in a thousand people I meet here who should think about going home. You really miss your thing. I get it. Where I lived, deer hunting was behind only college football as a mega-interest. I was kidding about moving to Oudamoxi. If you did that on my say-so, you'd be hunting for me, not deer. I'm a Don't Kill Bambi-type. We toss out deer apples in late fall on our land back home and they have an old barn to hang out in. We planted winter berries for them too. It's like Club Med for deer.
  12. Consider Laos. I def saw hunting and fishing by westerners. However, you might yet grow to pine for the bright lights of Sisaket in a place like Oudamoxi.
  13. Thinking that your sex gives you the right the to throw a glass of wine in someone's face with impunity is delusional. Happy people don't act out like that. The story I want to hear here is from a guy who moved to Roi Et, and then moved back to Pattaya, without losing the girl. Or better yet: back to Pattaya solo, weekends in Roi Et, fun on the side. There was a guy here recently gagging to bolt from the rice paddy, but was heavily bought in there. He needs to google sunk cost fallacy.
  14. They see us as over-grown toddlers. We need special food, a lot of help, we're always acting out. We get indulged a lot.
  15. How could I forget Jhol? This is the most innovative Indian food I've had, surpassing even Charcoal and Punjabi Grill (haven't been to Benares yet): https://www.jholrestaurant.com Lunch special is a must. I went twice in one day.
  16. Oldest Indian Restaurant in BKK https://bk.asia-city.com/content/claims-to-be-oldest-indian-restaurant-thailand -Pretty decent, well-priced, atmospheric old room. Like a good Brick Lane place. Stickman has written lovingly about it a few times.
  17. I like this group because it's people who did do what they wanted in their life, which is prob at most 1% of the world. Sometimes, it ends up a sad story, but they're 10 a penny back home too. The story they tell is that you went mad and that's that. You're inconveniently happy, so that part gets erased. An old guy here yesterday described himself as happy as a butcher's dog. How likely is that sentiment to be conveyed back home? We'd had enough of mountain solitude, were sick of her family b/s and the increasingly oppressive lord-loving Trump vibe, so we bounced to Mexico City and then here. There's a whole soap opera they made up about us where we're villains (crazy villains). Next time they try to guilt us, we'll def be referencing a butcher's dog.
  18. Prob the deepest mystic Christian book. I also loved Cloud of Unknowing. While listening to Hildegarde of Bingen. Anyway:
  19. The Falafels are in the ball park of Pai, but not true Pai, Thai-style falafels, like I have now come to demand.. We will def book it.
  20. At least for the coco pie, Charen Bakery in Nimman is pretty great.
  21. In a restaurant, Dukes.
  22. Yeah, but usually less adventurous food, which Indian would be to most palates. And Thai locals don't eat a lot of Indian food. There's more than enough free-spending tourists who will pay $400 for Gaggan's vegan pre fixe floating through to have it exist, but only if it's close to their hotels. I think of Silom, I think of eating at a W hotel (not that that's exactly a harsh penalty). And tricked up Thai food in a colonial building. Or I think of that street food alley. We take a restaurant vacation to BKK a few times a year. Half of those trips are for Suk meals, the rest of the town makes up the other half. We also like Ari for that, btw.
  23. I get laid for free in rooms with real mattresses.
  24. Next GF: "Sure, I dream of exotic travel, like from Petchaburi to Hua Hin, but that bus ticket costs 60 baht. If only there were a devil may care westerner to make my fun-dreams come alive, the kind of guy who says, 'sure, order that large size on the noodle bowl. Just a small town Buddha-lovin' girl Livin' in a small town Buddha-lovin' worl'.
  25. So in this fairly conservative Buddha-ocracy, you find an endless stream of footloose bohemian GF's? You sound even luckier than this guy
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