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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. Paradise: Love was a super well-made semi docu on this topic. Worth hunting around to see the whole film: Full disclosure: I'd do her.
  2. I'm def bummed that now I have to wait even longer to hear about his $50 Health Insurance Plan. Hopefully, it's in the same folder with his infrastructure plans and his election fraud proof. No need for debates. He can clear all this up on Fox News in a half an hour.
  3. Had a great experience with Diana at 66 Realty. If they don't have a listing, they will call around for you (the home owner pays her fee).
  4. Better than average article about the tourist crush in Europe: https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/aug/17/wish-you-werent-here-how-tourists-are-ruining-the-worlds-greatest-destinations What do you hear about this from where you came from? Asheville NC, my former home, now has 2 hour waits for chicken and waffles. The article also cites nude beaches in Spain being overrun by pants-wearers. Have you ever been to a nude beach? Are there any avowed nudists or naturalists in this group? My understanding: Nudists are naked for philosophical reasons, Naturalists for health reasons.
  5. In Saint Tropez, they now want a guarantee of a minimum spend before you can book a table: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/20/st-tropez-mayor-france-restaurants-row-screening-bills-tips I can't claim to be boycotting it, since I would never go to Saint Tropez anyway. -What's your max per person spend when eating out? And what do you order? Me: With very rare exceptions like the $400 vegan pre fixe's at both Gaggan and The Peninsula, about $100. Usually with oysters heavily in the mix.
  6. I had two mini speakers that looked like mini-Marshal amps. Don't worry, I later remonstrated myself for buying something so cheesy. It turned out that buying 2 just meant double loudness, not stereo sound. So I traded one to my pot delivery guy for a thumb-sized piece of Afghan hash. He was delirious. Would Jeff Beck approve? I put on my $400 Sony headphones when I want it loud. Mostly for this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj5x6pbJMyU
  7. America has zero allegiance to me and the feeling is mutual. Would I feel allegiance to other Americans over here? No. And that goes double if they are Trump Trash.
  8. What about his muzak-ish rendition of Moon River with Eric? Just a leaden, ego-ruining bore.
  9. I need to hear more about his 10 speakers.
  10. Kevin Samuels's take down (starting at 22:44). Brutal. If you like Bill Maher........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baDtWYo6NqA
  11. I see you one Kat Timph and I raise you one Tomi Laren (the evil Dr Phil pops in at the end):
  12. It's called a little jokey banter. I can see why you couldn't get arrested in a bar with your sniffy butt hurt attitude. Me? No oil painting either.
  13. She wasn't attracted to you. If she liked your looks, she'd have taken your drink. A lot of time, women will prefer to make you a villain instead of rendering the brutal verdict: you're ugly.
  14. It's more of a stupid boomer thing to pay for everything. She's a late arrival to gravy train. And then trying it in Oz -did she not spend a single moment reading up on the cultural folkways of her new home? I'm surprised they didn't just tell her to throw another shrimp on the barbie, as code for FO.
  15. An OK-ish looking American woman on Tik Tok (of course) is unhappy that Oz'ers aren't lining up in pubs to buy her drinks. In the past, she'd go to bars in the states without cash or a credit card and scam drinks (her words). When was the last time you bought a non-pro woman a drink in a bar? Might you ever do so again? What's the most egregious ask you've ever had from a woman? Me: A woman dumped me because I wasn't good enough for brunch with her media-friends (she said: "not smart enough"). But then she asked me if I wanted to buy her a $500 coat. Because friends help friends out. I asked her if she'd be helping me move. Because friends help friends out. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/relationships/article-12337939/American-Melbourne-Australias-dating-culture-ugly-defeated.html#comments
  16. I enquired about visa agent in Vientiane among expats. They said it didn't exist.
  17. Google poor soil medeteranian herb garden. https://www.buzztribe.news/3-foreign-herbs-that-we-can-grow-in-thailand/ In Chiang Rai, you could even grow lavender. https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/social-and-lifestyle/342104/bad-news-lavender-lovers---these- sweet-smellers-can-t-take-the-heat -Just take a trip to The Royal Project. They would be falling over themselves to advise you. That and just talking to the Nursery guy and then making a plan of graph paper
  18. Was in SR last October. Dead-empty, many hotels shuttered. A nice condo is $200 a month. Enjoy that street and a half of good, not great restaurants in the micro-downtown. Vientiane felt like Times Square after Siem Reap.
  19. Google Image Luang Prubang Garden. That's prob the most house-proud gardening I've seen in SEA. LP is the most bougainvillea-overgrown place in Asia.
  20. Def some beauties with more western features. Our driver slept in his car when he wasn't driving us. We bought him a $6 pillow. He wept with joy. Like I said, a downer. If Bangladesh has cheap sex and a doable visa, would you hit that?
  21. A very blah, slightly depressive vibe pervades. Even the local specialty, fish amok, is blah. Thailand is about the maximum level of poverty that I can live near without it depressing me too.
  22. Gardenia's grow fast here too. Look up flower blossom by month, light requirements eco. or better yet, just ask the Nursery guy. Or you could go ornamental jungle plants and banana trees of varying sizes. Banana trees are the most tropical-looking and fastest growing plants for the money. Plants that cost $200 for six ounce pot on Etsy, cost a quarter of that here. For the lowest hassle and the highest Thai-factor, notice the little pot plant assemblages you see outside of businesses and food stands. They're not the loveliest plants, but they are pretty indestructible.
  23. Take a look at wine and roses thyme. Slow-growing, maybe 3-5 years to fill in, depending on if it's plants or seeds. Think of a 4 inch pot doubling every year. Like walking on pubic hair. Hard not clench your toes in it. For faster: Do clover. I'll be back to this topic. Lawn replacement for eco and Won Buddhism reasons is something I studied back home. But now that house is an Air BnB. And guests want to see real grass ($300 a month to have it mowed). Fact: no matter how Zen you go, grass is still the most popular ground cover since the dawn of civilization for a reason.
  24. Contact Miss Wong at Line anan5664. She's the only travel agent open at the moment. I'm sure she can get you a well-connected ride on the other side too.
  25. Just killed a month in HH. HH is Babylon compared to Chiang Mai.
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