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Everything posted by LaosLover

  1. Jenna Ellis surrendered along with Rudy. Her defense: "I'm the opposite of a Smart Feller". Who smiles like that in their mug shot? Other than Squeaky Fromm?
  2. N. Korea had the trippier art. Here's my pal Andy flogging some posters https://andykershaw.co.uk/shop/ -Missed my NK tour window, prob to the end of my life. People who did it said the food was really poor, but the soju was about nine cents a bottle.
  3. Loved The Hill. You rate as top Cineaste here. And then some. Maybe just take a fast walk for about 15-20 minutes. Like, every other day.
  4. Yeah, def. But with a whitey. So more fool me. When the verdict is "not into you", there is no court of appeals. Take it like a man and change postal codes stat. She's got all the time in the world and you are literally dying on the vine. You want everyone here to tell you this. So I'm glad to get in early on it.
  5. I never thought of shagging a student before, but now I don't think I can live without it. Sexually speaking, what can I get for a used Iphone? I have an extra one laying around. Should I take her to the mall and let her pick out her own new iPhone case? It seems iPhone case kiosks support one out of every four mall workers. I'm envisioning a little beach trip, re-enacting The Story of O, presenting the phone near the end, and then changing my Line address. Don't help the guy getting sex for free; Help ME.
  6. Much respect for your healing journey. But I'm here for laughs.
  7. It sounds like you wandered into the wrong moribund internet backwater.
  8. Sounds like an Alcohol Anonymous Meeting. Without the crying part.
  9. Because it's fun and provides a few laughs. Are we really supposed to be like Dr Phil here?
  10. Paraphrasing this song. Lampang's a lonely town -when you're only red hat wearer around:
  11. A good looking young woman is popping over intermittently and offering up free (and prob pretty good) sex. You're right, this is the saddest story I ever heard. How can this young man dodge this bullet?
  12. I laughed. So maybe.
  13. Trump Trash, thy name is butt hurt. Always and forever. Sweet!
  14. Bob stiffed me on weighing in on my minor hash-buying dispute. But he's a busy man.
  15. This is the side-by-side photo meme the world is gagging to see. I tell people I need lie down and meditate. In your case, Bob, I suggest invoking The Power of Prayer. Also, pretend you need to be at a webinar. I don't know what a webinar is exactly. Gotta be a minimum two dozen imaginary webinars I have needed to attend, often suddenly. Webinar Subject: Crypto. Not the currency, just the word.
  16. There was one who thought sex was dirty, but wanted a lot of it. So I'd def go back to her. Otherwise, I got nothing.
  17. That's all interesting to me, so thanks. I don't see anything like that happening in Thailand ever. As a Chiang Mai-er, my apartment is unusable 10 weeks a year, due to smoke season. So toss on top that written off 20K deposit my actual monthly rent is a lot higher than the stated one. But I love my place and I love Nimman, so that's where my focus is.
  18. The first agency that tells their fee-paying clients not to steal from you with impunity is the first agency to become another foot massage outlet inside of a month. This thread is like entering a zany alternative universe where nobody ever worked on commission or even ever heard about the concept.
  19. The bottom line is that if it's a desirable place, they can set the terms. And some realty markets are hot now and soon to get hotter. I'm in a good building on the right side of Nimman Avenue (the Nimman1 Mall side). Apartments get rented in an hour. The new deal is 2 months deposit and 3 months in advance. Someone just pre-paid for 2 years in advance. If I were renting a non-beach condo in Chumpeon, I'd have more leverage. But I still wouldn't get my deposit back.
  20. This is the understatement of the year. Why do they call this place Thailand? Because it is the Thai Land; the land that favors Thai's, the land of Thai logic, Thai slip shod business practices, Thai cheerful lying, Thai kissing up to your betters, and Thai's scratching out a living from the money that can be pried out of westerner's pockets. We like it here because things are a little loose, but not when that looseness doesn't go our way. Scuba Steve above makes an important point: for a better (but not perfect) chance at a happy outcome, rent directly from a westerner, if you can.
  21. Here's how my agent helped me in real life: 1) I lost my key card. The condo owner unreasonably demanded a police report before she'd allow a new one to be issued. My agent took me to the police station and helped me do that. 2) My current owner wouldn't give me a TM30. I know, I know, many a dreary pedant here will point out that they have to by law. She went to immigration and got me one. 3) she showed me an apartment first before it was listed. That's the kind of customer service you can reasonably expect. It's not rational to think of them as fearless consumer advocates on your behalf. -We have a bit of a relationship. I took her out for a lobster roll after the first lease. I gave her a little cash for the apartment viewing preference.
  22. Who are you going to call if they demand 2 months deposit? Ghostbusters? How are you going to get over that awkward moment when you demand an escrow account from someone who: 1) never heard of it? 2) can't do that without an OK from the boss -who will yell at them for asking? 3) doesn't want to trouble the owner -who can get another agent in 2 minutes?
  23. -Like I said, the owner pays the agent's fee. You don't. They will express concern, but they won't do anything to anger a fee-payer. Would you? There's a small claims court-like process you could pursue. Sounds like a time waste. If you win, how are you going to collect? Anecdotally, my agent told me that Chinese landlords are more likely to return a deposit than Thai ones. She became a bit of a pal. She told me that maybe one person in four ever gets their deposits back. That may be situational. Look at my location. Lots of transients, lots of opportunities to stiff a tenant.
  24. I never got my deposit back. My realty agent made a couple of calls, but that was that. Since the condo owner pays her fee, she didn't push back too hard. Most people I have talked to have not gotten their deposits back. Everyone advises me to stiff them on the last month's rent and depart a day or two early to avoid a confrontation.
  25. Peanut butter or cheese on toast, a bit of fruit, a cappuccino. Always the same unless we go out to the avocado toast place. I live in a Japanese tourist ghetto, so a giant piece of toast with various toppings is very popular. My fave breakfast is proper French Toast. So far, I've found none up to snuff in Chiang Mai. Japanese people would love it, but no one's willing to take the chance and lay out for a bottle of maple syrup. The American South is a place where you can easily get paralyzed by the French Toast options.
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