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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. I suggest he looks for an intensive care unit with a private ambulance service if in the UK!
  2. The headline says "Volunteers Wanted for Drug Gang Extortion" I was going to apply until I read the article in full! ????
  3. That comment and the links should be in the joke section! Provide some real hard evidence from reputable mainstream sources please, not "axe to grind" sites with poor or no evidence!
  4. Try this guy. Very good! Staff speak English ซ่อม Mac เชียงใหม่ by CMNS | Chiang Mai | Facebook
  5. But they will have at least five police generals!
  6. Out of the frying pan and into!!!! PS; are we allowed wok(e) jokes/comments or are you giving me a grilling and I am now toast?
  7. To put/consume where? PS; Do you think it would be used to clean the keyboard or the memory?
  8. Is he sitting still waiting for another promotion or just so cocksure that he can now pi!ss in the wind with impunity!
  9. If you dig down deep enough, you might just get a handle on it if you have not gone to pot already and fried your brains!
  10. Are you taking the pee? They can still walk on the pavement/sidewalk although how they will see at night with no lamp posts might be a problem since there are not cat's eyes for them to use!
  11. Suggest you clean the keyboard (or stop taking the meds) and provide a translation please! ????
  12. "A tone of brits"! If you meant that (which of course you will now admit is not a Typo (as of course I would as well)) rather that a "ton of brits then all I can say is; what a BRILLIANT comment! PS; I am a Brit!
  13. Why need to do that as I'm sure it looks like her already?
  14. Your comparison between Trump and Obama/Clinton is absurd! I don't think that either Obama or Clinton, or even any other POTUS(s) had such a huge property portfolio where they could "accommodate" and charge US Government employees such exorbitant rates and thereby line their pockets!
  15. Please explain how that post helps the OP? The OP has a "storage" problem, not an OS problem! If you're upgrading directly from Windows 10 to Windows 11, the download size is about 3.5 GB. And, you need to make sure that you have at least 64GB of free space. If you install Windows 11 using an .ISO file, plan on having 25 GB of free space at least. Windows 11 Size: How Much Space Does It Take Up - EaseUS
  16. I am surprised that nobody has suggested that yet, although we have had an "upgrade to Win11 suggestion!
  17. Ho Chi Min City is a long way to go from Ching Mai just to get a doctor!
  18. Which post so we can all laugh at it if required?
  19. The OP is asking for advice about a lack of storage on his present system. It has nothing to do with an operating system! Your "so called advice" has nothing to do with his questions! Hence my comment suggesting that your advice is useless and pointless in the OP's posted situation!
  20. Where is the useless advice emoji when you need it!
  21. Microsoft OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) is a file hosting service operated by Microsoft. First launched in August 2007!
  22. The topic is storage on his HDD, not Operating systems! The newer the Operating system the less storage as it need more space!!!!
  23. Why do you not read a topic in total before posting? Have you read the previous posts here where there is some more detail on the same procedure?
  24. I have had One Drive since Win7!
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