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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. The current owner is a large American called Rudi who I believe is the original owner!
  2. No! We, the posters (customers) I believe should have the ability to put the "emoji", or whatever, that expresses our immediate feelings when and where we wish and not be restricted by having to follow the imposed woke agenda now being imposed on us here by either doing nothing, if we are not in agreement, (aka "happy") with a post, or having to "quote" a reply and type out a perceived "negative"response. This is either a "woke" control to stop true expression of our responses or it is a potential method of generating income by " click bait" or a combination of both! Will Admin please respond!
  3. I am sorry to take issue with you but I believe this is a "Forum Support" matter and not a subject for casual "lounge" discussion!
  4. I fail to understand your comment above unless you agree that ALL comments/emoji's are removed! it must be either free comments are available or nil! Which will you allow?
  5. Can I suggest you either allow, "do not agree" "confused" or other forms of perceived non-positive non woke "emoji's/responses"! Posters/responders should be allowed a full range of negative and positive responses! If not just ban all single click responses! Please do not respond with (OMG people are abusing the system and offending the snowflakes.) It is not difficult to Warn/ban people who abuse the system! The present system is so politically (in)correct as to be useless! Everyone at present gets either a "positive" response or a total ignore or, as I believe, you (ASEANOW) just want is for us to respond with a quote/typed response to increase your "click-bait' revenue! Please change your "woke" stance or lose customers (sorry, I mean posters and readers!)
  6. I believe the OP is trying to use this forum as a "Friend"! Maybe you could help since you know so much about the subject and become the OP's "friend" PS; I do not use such services so cannot help in this instance!
  7. The very last thing I would do in Thailand is set up a Direct Debit if you are a nonThai. In fact, I never set up Direct debits anywhere, I use standing orders and monitor/amend as required! That way I have control, not the company!
  8. And on that 4th Friday/28th day at 0810 local time (CM) yesterday I connected to wise and transferred my newly received UK pension funds from my UK Bank to my Thai Bank account with the reason "everyday living expenses" Yesterday it took 6 seconds at 43.1911! You cannot possibly ask for a better service IMO!
  9. Universal credit and council tax rebates will give you over 38pounds a day!
  10. Do they have any free hand-outs?
  11. RAMming jokes down our throats again!
  12. No! Just from my observations of real life in the UK.
  13. The benefit money paid out also goes straight back into the local economy pub!
  14. Why don't you try doing that for more than 30 seconds! Off-line!
  15. What proof? Please answers the questions I have asked/ posted with reliable links. Preferabbly not deeply researched 30 second google searches!
  16. Please complete your 30 second research algorithm and give us all an answer as to what caused the "barbaric" change in 1900 with reputable sources etc.
  17. NO! You just proved yourself wrong as you cannot do viable research in 30 seconds!
  18. Please enlighten the world as to what brought about the human "un barbaric state" in exactly 1900!
  19. It cannot be everybody "knows that" as I do not know or agree that "Google is left"! Try making factual comments please!
  20. So you post a link to ONLY the 20th Century! History goes back just a little bit further for your information! BTW No's 4 and 10 in your link are non white!
  21. I believe that you are the one who has NOT studied history! What has the place of origin, sex, ethnicity etc of any inventor or discoverer be of any consideration to anyone?
  22. Bring back the sad or confused button please!
  23. And you can prove that crass comment, can you?
  24. Cut up into squares for their best use in my toilet!
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