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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Answer my question please; What is your solution, assuming that you even have one, to the illegal criminal invaders?
  2. Agreed, but wrt invasions from Europe across the English Channel my response was relevant; "although they are not part of the United Kingdom,the UK is responsible for the defence and international relations of the islands"!
  3. Your link makes no reference, as usual with your obfuscation responses, to my question which was; "Please define their status compared to the ones you "replied"/referred to?" Please give an answer to my, and others, questions; What is your solution, assuming that you even have one, to the illegal criminal invaders?
  4. You can disagree with an opinion as often as you want in your own mind but if you do so you must have an opinion of your own to disagree with! If so why not state it?
  5. Sorry; I made yet another similar comment about his lack of usefulness sorry, useful suggestions/proposals/solutions just after your post!
  6. That is amazing coming from you who never answers the questions put to him by obfuscating! What is your solution, assuming that you even have one, to the illegal criminal invaders?
  7. I have no knowledge of MENSA! Is that a MEN Seeking Alternatives electrifying group?
  8. I don't mind! Actually it was shocking so I left without feeling any spark of intellect!
  9. They didn't. The Germans occupied the Channel islands! There is also the slight advantage that in WW2 the UK were able to kill invaders on sight and destroy their embarkation points. The "woke" brigade seem to be against this with illegal migrant invaders for some reason! ????
  10. In which case under international law they should seek refuge in the first country they enter after "fleeing"! Here is the info and link; The Dublin Regulation; "migrants are not able to choose the state from which they decided to apply for asylum. The regulation allows to apply for refugee status only from the country in which migrants enter first. At the same time, if there is a desire to change the country, migrants will have to return to their original point of arrival. Migration and asylum policy of the European Union - Wikipedia The Albanian criminals are breaking EU laws so BREXIT has nothing to do with it. How do the Albanians get to France? Fly? With a visa?
  11. I agree! I also keep posting that these people or not legal migrants who would arrive by scheduled legal transport with a legal visa. The people crossing the channel in rubber boats are "Illegal migrants" who should be termed criminals avoiding the legal UK immigrant system!
  12. 30,000 what? Please define their status compared to the ones you "replied"/referred to?
  13. They are NOT legal "migrants" they are "Illegal Migrants" and should not be allowed anywhere near the UK. BREXIT or no BREXIT! If they were legal migrants they would have a visa and enter legally! As to "‘getting our borders back’ is still a lie."! Where did I say that? I and many on the forum are still waiting, with less and less than baited breath (now) to see if you will ever produce a solution! (preferably without BREXIT/Labour/Election)
  14. Too many people (especially the left/woke) just see the word "migrant" and say OMG we must let them in to the UK (or wherever) but forget that only "legal Immigrants" and "bona fide" refugees should be allowed to stay. The Bona Fide refugees are supposed to seek refuge (under International law) in the first country they enter after "fleeing" their home country so very few should end up in the UK! The rest of the illegal scroungers, draft dodgers, criminals etc should be returned to their native country ASAP or safely prevented, if possible, from landing in the first place!
  15. These are not "Migrants" who have applied to enter the UK legally! They are people trying/entering the UK illegally! Not the same as refugees etc!
  16. Another rant that does NOT propose a solution without mentioning BREXIT. Forget BREXIT. Give us a workable solution without the words election/labour/BREXIT!
  17. So still no solution(s) just rants from you! Do you actually have a working solution? If so I am sure we are all agog waiting to read it! PS; Please don't just say Election/labour/BREXIT etc but provide some actual detailed policy!
  18. It didn't work then so how could it work now?
  19. And your solution please apart from just saying "election"!
  20. What reason(s) do you have for that bigoted statement? She is only using language we all understand and many agree with to describe this illegal influx of criminals, draft dodgers etc!
  21. From Google translate; yyyyyyyyyyyyy got the book of the pearl car. My son got it today. 2: Aunt D. Come quickly, mom.
  22. Without giving an alternative, yet again!
  23. In a rubber dingy? Have you not noticed that they are crossing the channel by boat not truck I
  24. I am not a "fan" of that solution at the moment! It does however seem to involve less "hot air" than some of the posts here!
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