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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Or a younger tech savvy relative/friend!
  2. Sorry, I missed that part of the OP!
  3. What a useless post!
  4. The fact that the OP had the need to post his question(s) suggests that the OP is not necessarily aware of the options some of us keyboard warriors take for granted! He has asked for "positive" help for his problems not things NOT to do!
  5. Why leave the recycle bin alone? It is the second directory that should be emptied after the Temp directory! Before you do anything create a restore point if you have not done so recently. Just type "create a restore point" in the search box and action the appropriate boxes etc; As a previous poster has stated go to "Disk Cleanup" and use it; Right click on your "C" drive in explorer, click "properties" and on the general page click "Disk Cleanup" and select all the appropriate options.
  6. No they did not select her as the best person from the whole party. The membership were only offered a choice of her or Rushi after the MPs had had their votes.
  7. Only because we cannot use any non-positive responses without typing out a critical response which then gets another response etc, etc "likes" etc are now a waste of time and no indication of the readers true feelings towards a post! The woke brigade are now in charge so either like or not respond at all is the new future on this and many other similar forums!
  8. How do you work that out? I know many OAP's who close up their UK homes for the winter and spend their time in CM. This was before the present financial crunch. Their savings from not having a "Summer" holiday and not running their UK house paid for the trip, It is not so much about not affording to pay the Energy bills but more a case of why not spend that money on a holiday instead!
  9. Yes! Woman has life savings emptied from bank account by fake new card reader scam sent through the post - Mirror Online⁤
  10. Which is where they belong for everyone's financial safety and security!
  11. No but you will have their address etc!
  12. You failed in your "quote" to add this to the end of my link; "But here's the risk: What happens if the card reader itself is counterfeit, modified, or infected by malware? In that case, you might find that your card info and PIN are recorded and intercepted by a third party. Of course, this is a potential problem for any kind of physical reader, as seen with ATM scam tactics." The more people try and say that something is safe and then make misleading/edited quotes to support their claim that a potential scam is actually OK the more I suspect it! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
  13. Yes! Next stupid question please! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS POTENTIAL SCAM!
  14. So people will send their address to someone they do not know to receive a device that will read! their bank card etc! Online Banking Card Readers: How Do They Work and How Secure Are They? (makeuseof.com)
  15. So people will send their address to someone they do not know to receive a device that will read! their bank card etc!
  16. Wrong! Don't fall the potential scam!
  17. I suggest that nobody responds directly to the OP as I am concerned that this could be a scam to get bank details by PM!
  18. Which bank(s) do they work! with?
  19. I would leave the CPU in situ (just too much hassle) but remove the HDD/SSD and RAM and any other cards plugged into the motherboard and carry them in your hand luggage. Stick the "desktop" into a well packed box and go fly!
  20. Edge works perfectly well on win7 as does supported 32bit software. I use Win 7 to watch downloaded videos and am making this post on an old acer aspire one on win7! A small lightweight computer with 9hr battery life great for multi VERY simple single tasking!
  21. Actually The office of prime minister is not established by any statute or constitutional document, but exists only by long-established convention, whereby the reigning monarch appoints as prime minister the person most likely to command the confidence of the House of Commons The prime minister is ex officio also First Lord of the Treasury!
  22. I do not deny that air pollution is a problem for some but 7 million is not the same as what you said "RIP everything" I would suggest your mathematics are RIP! I also suggest you stick to facts and not hyperbole if you wish to be taken seriously!
  23. What an over dramatic and stupid comment' RIP commonsense from you!
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