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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Yeah! Don't do that as he needs that to hide his embarrassment as runs (drips) from the brothel! (Hint; see earlier jokes! above)
  2. The boss went into the office kitchen one morning and found a new blonde girl painting the walls. She was wearing a fur coat and a nice denim jacket. Thinking this was a little strange, he asked her why she was wearing them rather than old clothes or an overall. She showed him the instructions on the tin, "For best results, put on two coats ".
  3. You don't need a warrant to search my parts in a brothel, just a wallet!
  4. Two English men and an Irish man are in a bar. The first English man says "I think my wife is cheating on me with an electrician, I found a pair of pliers under our bed." The second English man says "My wife is cheating on me with a plumber, I found a pipe under our bed." The Irish man looks at both English men and says "Well my wife is cheating on me with a horse. Last night I found a jockey under our bed."
  5. A chicken goes into the library, walks up to the librarian, and says, “Book.” The librarian says, “You want a book?” “Book.” “Any book?” “Book.” So the librarian gives the chicken a novel and off it goes. An hour later the chicken comes back and says, “Bookbook.” The librarian says, “Now you want two books?” “Book-book.” So she gives the chicken two more novels. The chicken leaves but again comes back later. “Book-book-book.” “Three books?” “Book-book-book.” So the librarian gives the chicken three books, but she decides she’ll follow the chicken and find out what’s going on. And the chicken goes down the alley, out of town and toward the woods, into the woods and down to the river, down to the swamp, and there is a bullfrog. The chicken sets the books down by him. The bullfrog looks at the books and says, “Reddit…Reddit…Reddit…”
  6. Ok, I'll get my lead/leash!
  7. I assume they are all "dog eared"! PS; Do they paws before reading/turning the next page?
  8. Might be better if you fetch your trousers/pants when escaping from a brothel raid!
  9. IMO you should understand the difference, if that is, you have both the the intelligence and rational to do so! Opinion | The Difference Between Rationality and Intelligence - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  10. I fully agree that above describes the actions of a rational man, but please remember we are discussing Trump!
  11. The place looks partily derilict and overgrown. Only one ground floor room appears occupied. Website name is for sale.
  12. A sad reflection on your life no doubt but as they say, fangs for the memory!
  13. Maybe they have adopted other methods of contact!
  14. Was it a group? If not do you know who conducted the attack and if so did they possibly have an old score to settle?
  15. What an unhelpful comment! If what you say is true why did you not post the name of the airline?
  16. What a disgusting and ill informed statement. If you had ever run a successful business here in Thailand you would never had made that statement!
  17. That are pointless and have no bearing on your original misleading post.
  18. i rephrased your "words"; from "I said it is putting people off." to "It is is putting you off" as you can only really speak about your own feelings unless you have asked them! It is of course now too late to answer the question(s) which prompted your lack of an answer!
  19. Crocs just love snappy dressers coming over for their lunch break!
  20. It they only stay one week then you are you acting as a "backdoor" immigration smuggler! I suggest you change you labour supplier!
  21. What a cheesy response, it really grated on me one pizza time!
  22. Why can't you get your facts right! The Hall was built in 1097 under William II (Rufus), the son of William the Conqueror, and was completed two years later. He had conceived the project to impress his new subjects with his power and the majesty of his authority. Early history - UK Parliament
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