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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Don't forget the McDonald's and the Tanning Salon's menus!
  2. No! Answer the specific questions please! You made the statement!
  3. Paid back in what taxes by who and how?
  4. After posting the above I have had second thoughts; Given the track record of the two of them I suspect I could, rightly, be accused of maligning Trump! ????
  5. I wonder what other "Avatars" you post under!
  6. Who, why and what has your post or link it got to do with the OP? A hint is in the title. Can you please try and join in the actual topic and not highjack it
  7. You mean do a "Trump" in other words!
  8. What is the connection with TM30 and extension and why were you doing a TM30 if you appear to have been intending to leave shortly anyway?
  9. How can it have been "repeated" yet when it was only running for 11 hors when you posted and less than 24hrs now?
  10. The best Fringe joke of 2016 was; 'My dad suggested I register for a donor card – he's a man after my own heart.'
  11. TOP LAUGHS AT THE EDINBURGH FESTIVAL 2022 I spent the whole morning building a time machine, so that's four hours of my life that I'm definitely getting back I tried to steal spaghetti from the shop, but the female guard saw me and I couldn't get pasta I sent a fresh food parcel to my first wife. By FedEx I used to live hand to mouth. Do you know what changed my life? Cutlery Did you know, if you get pregnant in the Amazon, it's next-day delivery My attempts to combine Nitrous oxide and Oxo cubes made me a laughing stock I hate funerals - I'm not a mourning person I can't even be bothered to be apathetic these days
  12. If the lawyers and govt agencies were not negotiating the return of stolen documents what were they negotiating about? Building a new McDonald's on his property!
  13. Maybe the people going to the foreign owned massage parlours think they are getting a bad rub and blown away with the soapy bubbles at the locally owned ones! ????
  14. Both produced by "Governments" not police forces!
  15. But those amendments were made by the US Government and passed into law. They were not issued by the Police!
  16. Too many laws....Not enforced! If you exclude tea money that is!
  17. Do you really expect a printable answer apart from Sweet FA! ????
  18. What is a "Sub-law"? Either a law is a law or it is not! When did any authority, except in dictatorships, have laws passed outside of a duly elected Parliament? Oops; Sorry I have just realised where I am!
  19. Why did you post the above without facts? How do you know what caused the attack? I agree the death is deplorable but let us get some facts before making unfounded political comments!
  20. It might because he is a white male! (see UK news about RAF recruiting only from minority backgrounds)
  21. They are ladyboys if they still have male genitals. If they no longer have male genitals they are transsexual as they have had the operation and are no longer "Ladyboys".
  22. The headline "Since records began" and the content " in more than 20 years" do not match! Which is it?
  23. He does not need to spend any money upgrading as he has a legit copy of 10 installed ! Unless you have some strong desire for WIN11 there is no real reason to upgrade especially on a non conforming rig. The Health checker will determine that. Better to solve the present set up before shooting off in a new unnecessary direction.
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