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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Not true! You have made 7 posts so far on this subject; I ignored the first and of the remainder I have "laughed" at 3 (including your last pointless post which I am responding to) indicated that 2 posts were "sad" as I believe them to be misleading and confused over one for making no sense! ????
  2. Previous closed threads going back a few years suggest it is possible! I just do not want to waste time going optician to optician unnecessarily!
  3. Yes; They say "read the previous posts before asking pointless questions"! ????
  4. He will get security updates but unlikely to get any major system updates without doing a re-install. Been there and tried it!
  5. He has already posted that he gets "Error code (0x80070422)"!
  6. Stop it please! Why are you insulting toddlers?
  7. Yes! That is why he had people like Giuliani working for him!
  8. It was a KFC or McDonald's menu after all! Or maybe a Grandchild reads them to him!
  9. Pst! That is our little secret!
  10. And if he bypasses the WIN11 requirements by downloading doctored/illegal versions he will be no better off than he is at present! He has a legal WIN10. I suggest he solve that first or if not check and then see if the link says his system is ok! https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=5bdca1fa0eaf96fcJmltdHM9MTY2MDM3ODcxNyZpZ3VpZD0wOTQ4YzBjNS0zMjViLTQ2ZTUtOTc4Ni1lYjdiNzA0MzY2NzgmaW5zaWQ9NTQzOA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=87fafcd5-1ae0-11ed-ad43-4a772fa9784d&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGFydGl0aW9ud2l6YXJkLmNvbS9wYXJ0aXRpb25tYWdpYy93aW5kb3dzLTEwLXVwZGF0ZS1lcnJvci0weDgwMDcwNDIyLmh0bWw&ntb=1
  11. I hope to h=ll you are wrong for the sake of not just the USA but the world!
  12. But it looks like he will. (I hope!) His first ever "legal/real" hole in one! ????
  13. Have you tried running the "Troubleshoot for Windows update in Windows 10 settings? Also try this link if troubleshoot does not work or just google the error code if all else fails; https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=0df8926228cf9e48JmltdHM9MTY2MDM3ODcxNyZpZ3VpZD0wOTQ4YzBjNS0zMjViLTQ2ZTUtOTc4Ni1lYjdiNzA0MzY2NzgmaW5zaWQ9NTI1MA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=87fbdf68-1ae0-11ed-a2dc-8286d5afb3cd&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWFrZXVzZW9mLmNvbS90YWcvZml4LXdpbmRvd3MtdXBkYXRlLWVycm9yLTB4ODAwNzA0MjIv&ntb=1
  14. Before doing that check this out; Download PC Health Check to Test Your PC for Windows 11 (windowsreport.com)
  15. I know this has been covered before but the threads I have found are closed. The title says it all! I am looking for recommendations for an optician, not hospital (lots of reasons I do not intend to enter into here), for just the prescription for progressives so I can order online and any idea of the costs.
  16. You will probably need a "handsome Prince" to do that!
  17. One of your best ever, and that is saying something! Well done.
  18. Agreed, but she could not run round him!
  19. Yes! That is my point! They all use different algorithms/testing methods/ping sources etc. Stick to one and use it regularly. Or try two or three immediately after each other, at least three times under the same settings. It really does not matter which one you use unless they are pushing addons or want paying. The major point is that a single test on any one single system is meaningless! You must do a number of test (3!) then repeat after a few hours or days and compare under the same circumstances.
  20. You managed to do it here! Maybe an example of which forum you tried would help Admin/support!
  21. It really does not matter which test system you use provided you use the same one a number of times under the same settings. Jumping from one "test site" to another is not comparing like with like.
  22. I just find that statement unbelievable! I assume you must be a hermit then and had the shots, contacted Covid, and then went back to your cave. It is either that or you are all living in a very close community! Any figures and location etc to back that up?
  23. I agree with you so why did you quote me rather than the poster I was responding to who said, without any supporting evidence; "Omicron strain 5 and 6 are worse than the previous one."
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