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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. But I thought they did watch it all from the CCTV remotely according to the earlier posts!
  2. Or should that be "Or apparently (un)informative reading! from Scubascub3!
  3. No! You made the statement; "Omicron strain 5 and 6 are worse than the previous one." It is up to you to prove/back up your statement with links/facts proof etc!
  4. I can see the new best buddy relationship with Saudi and the other Muslim countries going downhill rapidly to be told that they regularly "started drinking at midnight" (even if true when out of sight of the mullahs for a lot of them)!
  5. I bet there is a hell of a lot on here wish he was!
  6. Why? The first steel was cut on 4 September 2018 at Wuhan, China! Even if they do not commission until 2228 they would still not be "second hand" just a long time getting built! (for a conventional SSK that is but not tor an SSN or SSBN!)
  7. Not if they are using cash!
  8. Suggest you read this link;
  9. Thanks. Sorry but our posts crossed over each other. Is there any difference in time between the two systems that you know of? I am thinking of people like myself who do NOT need the wise "long term stay/overseas transfer notation in their bank account for IO purposes but just a quick 10 seconds transfer?
  10. I do not understand that statement! ???? You say "I send money TO my wise bank using their sort code and account number. Then I convert it to the foreign currency of my choice, usually baht and put it in my Thai account." Do you know what the cost differences are if you just used the wise transfer system directly from your UK bank account to your Thai bank account and is there any difference in the time they take? I am NOT trying to be in any way argumentative or question your transfer practices! It would just be great to hear from someone as to what the actual differences are in costs and time between the two methods!
  11. Are you able to tell what the fees will be to send money anywhere from your "about to be account" without actually opening it? I cannot be bothered!
  12. It depends on what/how the FCA classify them. As Wise say on their web site they are not a bank. "Your Wise account is an electronic money account. It’s different from a bank account because: Your money is safeguarded and not covered by the Financial Services"
  13. Is that a euphemism(s) for undercover work with fringe benefits? If not then maybe we should drop the subject and engage in some more......? ????
  14. Come again please as I was busy shaking hands with the unemployed! ????
  15. I was basically told I had to sign up to the account, pay the £20 (into my new account-not a fee as such) and then I could find out the fees and how it operated!! No thanks! I have UK bank accounts and will stick with using Wise to send from a UK a/c to Thailand. I just cannot find out what, if any, are the advantages of a "Wise" account if you already have a UK High Street a/c!
  16. More money down the drain until they get their act together!
  17. I am just as sure that neither he, nor anyone else, can provide proof of a successful prosecution against anyone which involves only that of a person who fails to declare they live abroad. We are not talking false claims for any "benefits" like winter fuel or anything else, just about anyone having a UK address while living overseas and claiming the basic UK pension. Answers, with proof, on the back of a postage stamp please! Please do not bother with a "friend" story. A newspaper cutting etc will do nicely!!
  18. Your post above is so biased with the way you have cherrypicked "data" from Wiki etc as to be utterly misleading. E.G. You quote online figures for the Guardian but not for the DM just it's daily printed figures. I suggest you make them like for like! You quote about criticisms of the DM (straight from Wiki) but ignore the number of awards, etc it has won. I could go on. You also comment as to which paper supported subjects which happened generations ago which are totally irrelevant to the topic supposed to be under discussion. I also fail to see what the so called comparison has to do with the OP!
  19. I suggest you try reading the quote and the "edited" copy of the quote before quoting and posting misleading comments!
  20. How do they know what state the "zombie" is in after it takes the meds unless they try and wake it up pre emergency?
  21. Unless of course the "zombie" is blocking the emergency exit door!
  22. Not if you take as many as I do ... sleep like baby a zombie for solid 8 hrs! ????‍♂️
  23. Were they doing fingerprints in 2018,? I thought that was quite new!
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