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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. The negative symptoms are that I/we are not taking any part in the so called weed (good name for cr&p) jamboree!
  2. It was meant for internal tourism but now according to TAT external tourism is on the increase so why not give the money to those who could not afford to take part in domestic tourism, i,e, the poor and not subsidise the internal domestic rich travellers and their cronies hotels etc?
  3. Through their mouths I hope! ????
  4. This is what you said earlier; "Misinformed outbursts by people quoting the tired old anti cannabis propaganda should be classed as fake news and removed". That statement suggests you want to ban any posting regarding any "pro cannabis" comment that you consider to be a "Misinformed outburst" and it is therefore anti free speach! Do you really mean to say that you are only anti free speach on cannabis but ok on some other subjects? Who is the arbitrator on this, or any other forum in your opinion? Who do you think should decide who is informed and who is misinformed? PS; I say again I am taking no sides here on the cannabis lobby, just your undemocratic approach to free speach! Certainly NOT you IMO!
  5. Who is the arbitrator of what is an out dated view masquerading as facts? Is it you or the rest of the forum? I suggest you let us ALL make our thoughts known and it is up to both you, and more imortantly, other members of the forum to come up with FACTS to prove or disprove that what has been posted is false and "masqquerading as facts". YOU are not the forum's editor! Please allow us our free speach!
  6. Why make life complicated for everyone with stupid prices. Why not round them up/down to meaningful figures like 15.60 instead of 15.59 or 13.60 instead of 13.62 or either 405 or 410 instead of 408 and then freeze them for a reasonable timescale where those without a calculator might know/understand what they will be paying for the next few months.
  7. That is your opinion and of course you are entitled to it. Others are also entilted to their opinions otherwise there would be no point in any forums as there would be no opinions posted other than yours! Free speach must be allowed on all subjects! PS; I am not discusssing the pros or cons of weed just your objection to free speech! Enough said.
  8. Any chance of people staying on topic. We are discussing KSK with small diversions regarding other malls and where bank accounts go. Please start another thread if you want to go down memory lane otherwise everyone will be in here with their "histories"!
  9. Not quite true! JIB and GOODSPEED plus a number of smaller shops are still there plus repair shops on the floor above!
  10. Please don't insult "genuine idiots" although I am having problems of thinking of which useless groups to include this bunch of $£"$££" into without insulting that group be it animate or inanimate!
  11. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it disagrees with your position. I assume you will object to this statement; Misinformed outbursts by people quoting the tired old anti pro cannabis propaganda should be classed as fake news and removed.
  12. On Sri Don Chi on the other side of the klong from Gekko Garden Pub. Close to Pantip Plaza!
  13. As his articles go it was not bad but what was the connection, if any, between the attenion grabbing (slightly) headline and the article itself?
  14. Except for when they want to buy some tea!
  15. Or the most (broken) crystal balls for producing exaggerated forecasts!
  16. That they know of yet!
  17. And that less than insightful comment of yours clearly shows what your depth of knowledge is!
  18. Part of the extradition conditions the UK sets is that he cannot be excecuted!
  19. Or rename it. "Land of you cannot see our smiles" (even if we had any)!
  20. I think that is what they have been doing just before they spout forth!
  21. Great for discreet nose blowing and even nose picking!
  22. I thought the wearing of masks was a medical requirement not a social measure!
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