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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. As you're married, your TEDA increases. Check the list of allowances for health and life insurance (paid to Thai companies), support for parents and children, payments to social insurance, certain investments. You might also get another 190K if wife is >65. You'll likely never pay tax.
  2. Interesting that you bring the Iran problem into the debate. 1953. We regime-changed Iran's democratically-elected leader, installed our puppet, and put Mossad in the embassy basement to train the Shah's secret police. My, how history rhymes.
  3. Add hominy. Now I'm beginning to understand the term "jingoist."
  4. How nice of you to be so generous with other peoples' earnings! I can fix it! Let's just take more of that guy's money and give it to that illegal alien guy over there!
  5. Nice talking point. Problem is those states are doing outside the US what they do inside the US - not requiring voters to document citizenship in order to vote, or permitting citizens with no connection to the state to vote in the state polls.
  6. Huh! Ethnic cleansing has consequences. Who knew!
  7. My, isn't that convenient! "We had to destroy democracy in order to save it!"
  8. Russia held elections. Donbass and Crimea held elections. Why do you hate democracy so?
  9. So was that other little nazi fellow who liked to wear military garb.
  10. So cancel martial law. Easy as piroshki!
  11. Loss of a quarter of your territory, economy dependent on foreign begging, and an entire generation under ground is wi....i mean, doing a good job? We have different standards!
  12. Next time you're at CW, and IO wants you to hand-write something, they don't hand you a fresh sheet of paper. Turn it over and you've got someone's passport ID page or their bank statement. If I'm remembering correctly, stacks of recycled foreigner paper was set out at the front sign-in area for doodling and notes.
  13. You are aware that cartons and cartons of confidential identification and financial documents are recycled by immigration offices and used as copy paper or handed out as note paper? I wouldn't worry about the banks.
  14. I signed W-9's at BKK Bank, Krungsri, KrungThai, my Thai brokerage, at Schwab International last month, and ten years ago in China at Bank of China and Agriculture Bank. Interestingly, as of 'bout 5 years ago, Bank of China, Agriculture Bank, ICBC all dropped the requirement for Americans when opening accounts.
  15. My point is the main actor that signed the agreement, failed to implement it, bombed the Donbass for 8 years. So, yeah. It was useless. Had the Minsky agreements been implemented, or Istanbul followed through, none of this would have happened. FAFO.
  16. Thankfully, there’s an IRS amnesty program called the Streamlined Procedure that allows expats who are behind with their US tax filing to catch up. They simply have to file their last 3 returns and last 6 FBARs as is applicable, and self-certify that their previous failure to file wasn’t willful avoidance. The Streamlined Procedure also lets expats claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and Foreign Tax Credit, depending on which is more beneficial for their circumstances, which mean most expats won’t owe any US tax, although they still have to file. https://brighttax.com/expats-irs-streamlined-procedure/
  17. I'm shirley the W-9 is the FATCA form. FATCA requires foreign banks to report their American account holders’ name, address, account details (including balance), and US tax identification or social security number. Form W-9 allows banks to know this number. https://brighttax.com/blog/us-expats-receive-form-w-9-from-foreign-bank/
  18. Approx. 350K remitted. All non-assessable by DTA. No need to file. But let's assume you have a weird pension that IS taxable. You would be over the 60K (unmarried) income threshold and would technically be required to file a return. You get 60K personal allowance, 190K old fogies allowance (*), and 100K pension deduction. That coincidentally brings your taxable income to exactly zero. No tax. Had your income been higher, your first 150K above 350K would be taxed at 0%. The next 150K above that would be taxed at 5%. You can still file and get your interest withholding tax refunded. (*) Anyone know if the 190K old-age allowance is added to the 60K personal allowance, giving you 250K, or does the old-age allowance replace the personal allowance? Do you get both, or only one? ***OPINION ONLY. NOT ADVICE. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY.***
  19. Is this about FATCA or CRS? The Kasikorn emails were sent out at the end of January for existing customers to update records if their home tax jurisdiction information had not been entered. Came about with Thailand implementing CRS. Shouldn't be FATCA. Americans have been filling in IRS forms around the world when opening foreign accounts for many years.
  20. If the signatories don't implement the agreement, what are non-signatories to make of that? Never implemented, never took deflect.
  21. Deflect, deflect, deflect! The Minsk agreements were a sham, never intended to be implemented, were simply killing time while Ukraine killed more Donbass ethnicans.
  22. If only Ukraine hadn't shelled the Donbass for eight years......... If only Ukraine had implemented the Minsk agreements. If only Germany and UK hadn't admitted the agreement was just a stalling tactic to get more war materials in place..... Gosh, if only.
  23. So true. If only they had signed that agreement in Minsk................
  24. Are you sure about that? Perhaps it's a warning to the Kiev nazi apartheid regime not to conduct their terror operations inside western Europe also.
  25. You're not helping your cause. "Sure, everyone knows they're corrupt, but only the fifth most corruptedest!" John Wayne Gacy may be a bad dude, but there are a couple even worse than him, so why not let him out on work release to perform as a clown at your kid's birf'day party?
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