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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Somebody is overcharging. Elephant pants available thru Alibaba for 35 baht/pair for orders >1000 pieces. (plus shipping) https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/New-Lady-Summer-Casual-Pants-Southeast_1601004703962.html
  2. This is Japanese script on ambulances donated by the Society for Promotion of Japanese Diplomacy (日本外交協会). Japanese soft power. stock image of Chiang Mai ambulance.
  3. Ambulance mafia. "Volunteers" scrape up accident victims, and deliver them to the hospital that offers the highest finders fees. Assume this current altercation is two of the local mafia fighting over a specific piece of valuable turf. Same as the motorcycle taxi mafia will fight over prime pick up spots outside of hotels or bars.
  4. Shouldn't be a concern. If the person is on a valid retirement visa, he (or she!) is in compliance with Thailand's age of consent.
  5. Yes, he did. He was speaking about a bloodbath in the auto industry if China floods the market with EV's. The media took it out of context to spew propaganda. The white house press office deliberately clipped the context from a 9-second sound bite in order to further their fake news propaganda efforts. Nothing new here. That's the way they roll. Recall the "white hispanic" Zimmerman 911 call being selectively edited to show rayciss'ms. I detest Trump, but................. ***edited to remove common derogatory name used to describe the former president, as well as a reference to a bad dude the current president claims to have known in the past.***
  6. I got that same questionnaire last week. I was sending money TO Wise, and it was taking longer than expected to receive an email notification of receipt. When I logged in, I got a message that the incoming transmission was suspended, and that I had to answer a few questions to have it released.
  7. Try "Ctrl -" to reduce the screen display size. The final item on the list should appear.
  8. My wife tells me that red stamp is section 12-7. Permission to stay revoked, prohibited person.
  9. Please give your (friend's) definition of "deported." Was he escorted out with the police holding his passport until he boarded a plane? Was he held in IDC at the airport until his flight? Or was he simply told he needs to leave ASAP, and he left on his own. And please post the exit stamp your friend had entered into his passport when leaving.
  10. How could that be? I've been assured countless times by anonymous posters that it's perfectly legal for foreigners to own property by setting up shady shell companies. Shirley, the government would never crack down on these activities. But if true, I'd hope all the Swiss retirees out there would keep a low profile until this current round of xenophobia passes. Otherwise, one or two more Thai ladies getting kicked or beaten, and immigration could start cracking down on retirees using agents to fake the financial requirements!
  11. Who owns those big ol' warehouses? What are they charging the government annually to store moldy, old rice? Answer these questions and you might not be so amazed, Thailand.
  12. I sent $2K from my credit union to wise yesterday, was taking an inordinately long time for the email notification. Normally receive an email from Wise at around 6 PM. Checked a few times this evening, at 10 PM still no email, so logged on and had a notification that transfer was suspended pending action. A simple thing really, just needed to answer a few questions regarding annual income and estimated total to be sent via Wise this year. An email notification would have been a nice touch. Answered the short questionnaire and funds were immediately released. I sent $1500 to my personal savings at Bangkok Bank, listed as "funds for long term stay." This will be paid out Monday at 10 AM, funds available at 2 PM. It should be coded as a foreign transfer. I sent $500 to my wife's personal account at Bangkok Bank, listed as "monthly expenses." This was deposited in her account within 15 seconds, coded as a domestic interbank transfer. Not sure if the difference in deposit schedule is due to the amount or the coding, or a combination of the two. I've already got my 800K sitting in a fixed account, so don't really need the FTT codings. Thought I might as well do all my monthly transfers to the wife's account. In the foreigner tax thread, Dr. Lister explains that we can gift 1 million baht to our wives with no tax consequences. Since we don't know how the new tax procedures will work, I want to legally reduce the amount of money I import. Just in case.
  13. If they market it correctly, they can make a killing in China where special teas can go for upwards of $150,00/kg at auction. Market this as some ancient, vintage, specially aged, limited edition extra virgin rice. Sell it in 500g bags, specially tagged, with a single golden thread in the weave. Call it dragon's breath rice or some similarly auspicious name. Maybe offer the Chinese a special deal..........one warehouse of dragon breath rice in exchange for a submarine and two frigates!
  14. This is quite possible, but only in a girlboss Marvel empowerment film, where an 80-pound diverse princess will save the day! Consider reality..... ......with a plane on fire and smoke filling the cabin, a rather large incapacitated handicapped person blocking the aisle and dozens of screaming obese passengers pushing and scrambling over the obstruction, dragging their multiple carry-on bags stuffed with duty free booze, all while taking selfies and live-streaming on tikkytokky.
  15. We don't know how much the fines were. The article only stated the maximum total for both offenses. We here are assuming he was charged the maximum for both. Problem was he allegedly threw the money at the desk officer, likely not the copper that wrote the tickets. He was asked to leave, whereupon he allegedly attacked the officer. I can't believe this fellow is from Singapore which practices strict gum control. Singapore, where gum chewing and spitting is forbidden, and folks tend to stay in line. Perhaps he's actually Swiss?
  16. Fixed what? In my post I stated "correctly" answer, which in this case means in an approved manner.
  17. A more pressing issue might be the problem of accessing public transport. Or have these ministers never gone anywhere without a personal motorcade? Have they ever tried walking down a public sidewalk? Perilous for even the most athletic.
  18. They're just teenagers getting an education. To function in society as adults, they need to know their limits and how to correctly respond to given topics.
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