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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. So, back to the old ways? That didn't last long. ...the global economic landscape has shifted, with some countries no longer adhering to the original OECD rules. This necessitates an adjustment... “Currently, investment within Thailand is declining,” Pichai stated. “While those with income to spare are investing overseas, the amount they’re bringing back is less than the amount they’re investing. We want to rectify this and incentivise them to bring their money back home.” https://www.nationthailand.com/business/banking-finance/40046276
  2. Hub of specific details not provided. But he also said "He said he is reviewing this law to encourage more Thais to repatriate their earnings." Did someone realize that if the loophole to bring funds into Thailand the year after earning simply shut the pipeline of remitted funds? And now all the free cash that could be flowing into the Thai economy will be sloshing around other countries earning more than 0.5% interest? What are the odds this latest change in interpretation will be re-interpreted?
  3. So as an American expat you feel like a piranha? Have you considered applying for citizenship elsewhere? https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/332259-how-to-get-russian-citizenship-passport https://www.expatica.com/ru/moving/visas/russian-citizenship-995117/ Once you obtain citizenship, you qualify for one hectare of land free in Siberia. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/own-a-piece-of-siberia-for-free-russia-offers-hectare-of-land-to-citizens-willing-to-move-to-far-east Imagine waking up on your very own farm, sitting down to have a coffee, and being able to see Sarah Palin from your back porch!
  4. This is the problem. The local officials don't always know their own regulations. They won't look it up when customers, especially the foreign kind, are watching. Then when they inevitably make a misteak, they won't admit it. They'll keep massaging the numbers and filling in random blanks until it looks sorta, kinda, possibly not completely wrong. You brought in only pre-2024 savings last year. You had zero assessable foreign remittances, have nothing to declare, did not cross the filing threshold, and don't need to file. Simple as that. Unless you had sufficient Thai-source income, you don't gotta do nothing. You file only if 1) you want a refund of interest withholding tax, or 2) you want to have a history of filing because you don't know what will happen in the next few years. Three hours is ridiculous. You can file online from home in your underpants in about fifteen minutes.
  5. Of course they do. It's all one big commie conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!
  6. Go ahead, gatekeeper. Cite your propagandists. I am not afraid.
  7. Send your Leopards to Kursk. It worked out so well last time. Hitler believed that a victory here would reassert German strength and improve his prestige with his allies, who he thought were considering withdrawing from the war. Hey! History! It rhymes!
  8. So don't file today. Tell Mr. Braidy you're still collecting bank statements, and will file later. You have a TIN (or pink ID), file online according to the regulations, not clueless dude's interpretation.
  9. Cant' wait for these to hit the Thai highways. Scooter riders can watch their Korean soaps directly on the glasses, freeing up one hand to hold their beer. That's progress!
  10. That's awesome! Now I can get my Chinese products from US retailers without having to pay the 38-baht Lazada shipping fee! Winning!
  11. You brought in only pre-2024 savings. You had zero assessable income. You had no need to file. What could he enter into the system? How is he going to record in the system that you didn't need to file? Unless you're requesting a refund of interest withholding tax, you'd be filing a return with no data other than your name and address.
  12. C'mon, man! Trump is still working on: -Building a big, beeyootiful wall. -Sending the bill to Mexico -Bringing the troops home. -Lockin' 'er up. -Releasing the kracken!
  13. We've been having laundry problems here on the ranch. Seems almost a weekly occurrence that some of my socks go missing. I thought at first it was only the left-handed socks that were being stolen, which obviously could only be blamed on Putin, him being a leftist commie dictator and all. But silly dyslexic me didn't realize it was the right-handed socks that were being pilfered all along, which of course means far-right fascist Trump must be the culprit. First, they came for the softener.........
  14. Amazing. Proves Trump was right. When you're famous, they stand in line and beg ya to grab 'em by the ladyparts!
  15. We've been searching for a floor-model type filter to splice in ahead of our storage tank. Saw these in Global, and on Lazada https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i5042137132-s21318926614.html
  16. Correct me if I'm worng, but isn't that the reason so many flock to Thailand? They mosey on over to Pattaya, where they can grab the ladies by the whatsit, they let 'em do it, when they're payin'. But Trump din't say it was about money, he said they letcha do it when you're a star. Good ol' Meatloaf was never short of floozies.
  17. Call me when he surpasses Obama's accomplishment of ordering execution of American citizens without trial.
  18. The January CPI is all on Biden. Oh, I'm sure Trump's gonna implode the economy with his tariffs and trade wars and kindergarten-level understanding of economics, just don't get ahead of yourself. It took him years to bankrupt five casinos, so he'll need more than 8 business days to destroy the US.
  19. I wasn't aware Streicher was a United States citizen with rights guaranteed under the United States constitution. But since we're gonna allow murder for mean tweets, I suppose that validates muslim radicals killing French cartoonists. Heck, they even had a fatwa signed by a cleric, so that makes it legal.
  20. Remind me again who was (p)resident during most of January?
  21. Jihadi? No, he didn't blow stuff up or kill folks. He was an orator, a lecturer, and a propagandist. So much for an American's freedom of speech. But it's fine. Obama got a government lawyer to write him a memo, just like Bush did to legalize torture. Hope and change!®
  22. Googles your friend, man. Trump is way down the list with 220, fewer than Obama with 276, fewer than Carter with 320. Even less than FDR who signed 3,721. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1125024/us-presidents-executive-orders/
  23. He didn't so much win, it was that the other side lost....bigly. But who didn't see that coming? She was second to last in the 2020 primaries, dropping out before Iowa, thus not being burdened by what could be delegates. I mean, like, c'mon, man! DEI token hire lost to Biden along with every other potential candidate except some guy I don't remember from some flyover state nobody cares about.
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