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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Yes, done it many times. I just never put it on the YouTubes.
  2. Deport her for not having a work permit and performing reserved activities.
  3. Compare the FX rate offered by the banks with the Wise FX rate, and factor in transfer fees.
  4. How much do those billboards cost? I was thinking of renting one for Phuket.....
  5. What a shame. I was hoping the tradition for wifes was the same as for flippy-flops.
  6. What's the tradition when you exit a temple and can't find your wife?
  7. Not checking it is the worstest thing YOU could do!
  8. Maybe. Or police could have politely explained, apologize or be deported, regardless of lack of evidence.
  9. Nah, just set up automatic deduction from your bank account. PEA leaves your bill in the box outside, then pulls the charge from your authorized account.
  10. I get confused in the restaurants. Customers wear their shoes inside, but take them off to eat, often putting their dirty feet on the seats or benches and cushions. And then there's uncle, who puts his feet on the table to pick his toenails. Amazing.
  11. Just wondering how many additional seats in total have been added to accommodate the "surge"?
  12. We still only have one side of the story. But there are further developments. If you follow the links on the Facebook group page, you find (google translated):
  13. The Russian lady is local according to Thaiger. As to defamation, I don't believe it matters whether the accusations are true or not. There's nothing in the legal text about statements being false, only that they harm the other party's reputation. That's why people get fined or jailed for bad restaurant reviews.
  14. Are you saying a foreigner, in particular a Russian lady, cannot avail themselves of the Thai justice system?
  15. Yes, Ploy did provide the footage to the police. But it was Ploy who posted the two photos to the Facebook group. It was Ploy who selected which frame grabs to post, not the police. And it was Ploy who posted the Russian's Instagram account. I'ma bet if the Russian lady survives the pitchforks-and-torches mob justice, the real story will be quite different.
  16. Section 326. Defamation Whoever, imputes anything to the other person before a third person in a manner likely to impair the reputation of such other person or to expose such other person to be hated or scorned, is said to commit defamation, and shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one year or fined not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or both.
  17. From the Thaiger: Maybe not such a clever Ploy! Now the abused Russian victim can sue the shopowner for defamation.
  18. It might be hard for this generation. Back in the days before floppy discs (no internet, landline phones, only 3 TV stations that ended programming at 2am), my buddy and I made gunpowder in the garage, packed into Miller brand 7-ounce pony glass bottles, charged with appropriate schrapnel, and blowed stuff up real good. If they really wanna replicate it...........
  19. Who to blame when the kidlets build their own homemade rockets and set fires or blow off some fingers? I don't think "don't try this at home" will suffice.
  20. If you're happy with what you have, Vigo is available in dual fuel (gas/CNG) model, first came out in 2012. Our CNG Champ with 400K still runs fine. Not sure it would make sense to convert an older car when used factory made vehicles are available. Seems like messing with stuff that already works just causes more problems. And with your low daily mileage, breakeven could be years in the future. Don't forget the additional 500-baht annual inspection fee for compressed fuel vehicles. Can take several hours if you can find a convenient location. You'll receive a three-page document with photos and red stamps that you must present within a limited time to have the annual safety inspection done.
  21. Underserved, as in not serving the customers. Poorest service of any banks, ever. Draw a number, sit and wait for 4 hours, only to be told take an hour for lunch, come back get new number. Thailand is the land of pie in the sky high tech quantum mechanical systemic word salad. Instead of fixing the things that are broke, replace them with something non-existent at 3x the price, because someone's third cousin's brother's sister-in-law's son saw a cool thing on the latest episode of Transformers, then return to the original 1950's method when the future is found to not be the future, at only 2x the price. Plus commissions. I'm not expecting anything to come of this latest "hub of Asian banking" gimmick, but do call me when they can manage to operate a sidewalk successfully.
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