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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. They can't be that worried, not if they keep sending cash and wunder waffles to the little mad dictator of kiev!
  2. Thing is, the loser doesn't dictate terms. If Zelensky were wise, he'd agree to terms before Odessa holds a referendum and secedes. But he is not. If he were, Minsk would have been implemented, and the four new Russian regions would still be part of a Ukranian federal republic with limited autonomy. And if the US hadn't regime-changed the democratically elected government of Ukraine, Crimea would still be part of Ukraine, and the Russians would still be happily paying the annual lease on Sevastopol.
  3. Yep, pretty foolish for Zelensky to bitch about not doing enough for Ukraine, especially when he dodged conscription four times in 2014 and 2015. He had more important things to do in 2014 than defend kleptocracy!
  4. It's fine. The prez got a memo what said so. Light 'im up!
  5. Oh, nonononono! Before he was El (p)Residente, he received four draft summonses, in 2014 and 2015 I believe, for which he failed to appear. Couldn't be bothered. Ukraine wasn't worth fighting for. War zones are dangerous y'know! He had more important things to do than fight for democracy. Important things like this in 2014 But now that he's large 'n in charge, and he's safe from the burdensome burden of serving his country, he can send others to die for his lost cause. No biggie, if they run out, the Poles or the Lithuanians will send more meat. What's that? The Russians are coming? Now!!!! Lemme get dressed........
  6. How often did the Soviets, or more recently the Russians, cut off the gas? It sure wasn't Putin that blowed up Nordstream, look to Europe's "friends."
  7. That does not attest to the bravery of Zelensky, man of four draft dodgings, willing to send entire generations of Ukranians to their deaths, all for a bag of cookies and a promise.
  8. That certainly wasn't spoken by the illegitimate leader of Ukraine, the one responsible for so many dead in the trenches, and the man who himself dodged conscription four times. Willing to fight to the last other guy.
  9. That is entirely too much to ask. Can't you be satisfied with a public relations announcement that the authorities are looking into it?
  10. ............because it couldn't be the fault of the drivers.
  11. Or you could take the bus in Germany......to Nazihäusle.
  12. And have now loaded Viber on desktop and cellphone, linked to Thai SIM number. Called Fidelity from desktop, call went through, good sound quality, and the Fidelity "MyVoice" security was able to identify me.
  13. Just loaded Whatsapp on desktop and phone. Wasted space. Cannot dial 800-numbers unless that number is registered with Whatsapp.
  14. I 'member when all sorts of software was installed on 'puters for free. Windows and Excel and Word and some others. Software worked pretty well, and became standard everywhere, so much so that most people became locked into using it....forever. Then it wasn't free any more. I'm sure nothing evil is planned here.
  15. Remember regime-change? Woman with cookies said "We have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine." Most of that was from Department of State, with smaller amounts through other departments. Funding conduit was some group called USAID. They've been in the news recently, I believe.
  16. He didn't want those lands. He repeatedly begged the western powers to implement the Minsk agreements. Had that been done, the four new Russian oblasts would still be in a Ukranian federal republic with limited autonomy. And now the vassal regime understands that ethnic cleansing has consequences. If the US hadn't regime-changed the legitimately-elected government, with the intention of having the new vassals kick the Sovi....oops....kick the Russians out of Sevastopol, even Crimea would still be in Ukraine, and the Russians would still be paying the lease. Seems this regime change has worked out about as well as the one we pulled in Iran in '53.
  17. It's not just minerals, or as Trump said repeatedly "raw" earths. It includes any extraction of natural resources: mining, pumping, drilling,............along with the storage and transportation, and port facilities. Nobody has mentioned yet, but if this is ever signed, the US would be getting 50% of any natural gas transit fees paid by Gazprom to Naftogaz (minus 10% for the big guy).
  18. Ah, I 'member the days debating with blue-haired lycra-clad obese land whales back on campus.... "I believe in freedom of speech, but you shouldn't be allowed to say ____."
  19. Dunno. I never do it. When wife and I see other foreigners at the mall or market, we use the term "Laowai."
  20. Filed Thai return online Jan 04 without documentation, no tax due, refund requested. Couple weeks later got an SMS to check status. Copy of bank withholding statement and marriage certificate requested. Uploaded a few days later. Feb 20 received SMS that refund was on the way. Refund letter arrived Feb 28. No PromptPay, so will take refund letter to deposit at KrungThai next week, and fill out CRS forms per their SMS. FBAR done Jan 04, 1099-DIV's all in last week, filed 1040 online (using OLT), $60K income, zero tax paid. Tax filing completed for another year. "Super easy, barely an inconvenience!"
  21. Were they being sent to Guantanamo where domestic laws don't apply? Were they shackled, blindfolded, put in diapers for the entire flight? Did they stop off at a black site along the way for a little "enhanced interrogation" with electrical cables and broom handles?
  22. Could someone recommend a simple replacement for Skype used ONLY for calling toll free numbers? Prefer something I can load onto the laptop, so I can research while talking, send emails, read the news while on hold, and have the cellphone free if an OTP is sent. Don't need to call cellphones or private numbers, don't need a static number, don't need to receive OTP's through the app. Oh, and don't want endless popup ads of course. Just wanna call toll-free numbers.
  23. No, I was responding (I think) to someone saying they could not download the program files in Thailand without a VPN. The mirror sites allow you to do that. You can download and install. Whether the programs/applications run without a VPN, or provide the services you need, or you are able to set up outside the US without a US SIM, I can not say. I did not download Google Voice, just found a resource. I did get the Navy FCU application from this site. The NFCU app was unavailable outside the US. Essential as their website is not accessible from Thailand for much of the time. The downloaded NFCU app from this site installs and runs fine.
  24. There are alternative sources for download. This one appears to be trustworthy, but you never know. I've used some downloads from here, not available locally, no problems to report. Latest update version of Google Voice was.........today. https://www.apkmirror.com/?post_type=app_release&searchtype=apk&bundles[]=apkm_bundles&bundles[]=apk_files&s=google+voice
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