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Posts posted by Chris.B

  1. 27 minutes ago, Virt said:

    No idea how soldiers should react in wartime, but wouldn't it be best for them to surrender in this specific situation?

    They seem to be trapped in a place with no chance of reinforcements and such.


    Of course no one knows what the Russians will do with them if they surrender, so it's also a gamble to surrender.


    Mariupol seems to be a living hell on earth where thousands of civilians has been murdered.

    I hope the Russians are not able to cover it up, and that they will pay the price for their horrendous actions.


    I also hope the worlds weapon supplies are coming very fast, since Intel seems to indicate the Russians will try to cut off a whole lot of Ukrainian soldiers in the east.


    They need all the howitzers, helicopters and armored vehicles they can use and it's about time we start supplying them with fighter jets as well.


    Russia crossed the red line a long time ago, and Ukraine should get everything they need to fight of the Russians.

    If they surrender they will become prisoners of war and protected by the Geneva Convention. They could then be used in prisoner exchanges with the Russians.


  2. 7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    They are welcome to build as many targets as they want, as no one is threatening them at present. Aircraft carriers are the new Capital ships when it comes to projecting power during peace time, as the Americans learned long ago.

    During a war they just become a very large target. Missiles have changed warfare significantly, as the Exocet proved against the British navy in the Falklands.

    :cheesy::cheesy: Haha, You are quoting a military engagement from 40 years ago in support of your theories. I think you know little about military/naval matters.


    • Haha 1
  3. So what? Boris has been fined and no doubt he will pay the penalty in due course. Case closed. On the scale of 'crimes' that all the greedy Parliamentarians get up to, having a drink in an illegal party has got to be right at the bottom of the scale. 


    Now he has bigger fish to fry with Russia threatening to nuke Britain in 5 minutes. So he better get on with the job.


    • Like 2
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  4. 1 minute ago, Bruno123 said:


    No...1000 baht is not to be expected. You pay that if you need speeds over 30 Mbps and reception and your equipment allows you to attain the high speeds for which you would pay. Otherwise better to stick to the capped speed plans for 300 baht per month and less.

    I said "if you choose an unlimited use plan". Don't misquote me please.


  5. 3 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

    :cheesy:  Please get back to reality.

    back to reality....


    "And even a Ukrainian MP urged Mr Biden to make the "bold move" by copying Mr Johnson's recent trip.

    Kira Rudik told Fox News it would "really be a sign of solidarity".

    She added Mr Johnson's appearance was "uplifting", "very motivational" and stressed "everybody admires Johnson"."


    Daily Express


    Boris Johnson se întâlnește la Kiev cu Volodimir Zelenski / ”Supriză!”


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