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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. These companies have you by the balls!
  2. If you were to spend 7-10 days in ICU you would have to be very, very sick indeed. Maybe it would be your time to go and not try to cling to a reduced existence.
  3. Life is a risk, you can't insure against everything. ????
  4. Don't worry about being insured over 70. You will either be priced out of the market or you will be refused cover for health reasons. ☹️
  5. That sounds like travel insurance, check your policy.
  6. I would have guessed Thailand had beautiful beaches many moons ago. Now with too many tourists, they are dirty and overused. One improvement would be to ban smoking on all Thai beaches.
  7. 28th and 29th July 2022 banks are closed. No transfers as well, I believe.
  8. You will need your birth certificate showing your mother's and father's name. You will also need your passport and birth certificate translated and stamped by an official translator. Your initial aim will be to apply for a yellow book. The ID card comes when you have one.
  9. Boats invading would have been shot out of the water 50 years ago. ????
  10. You mean the tax payers of California.
  11. Yes I do. Send me a PM.
  12. " As I'm paying I see I was charged 55 thb for a can of coke with ice. To me that's being greedy." Probably owned by a farang. ???? BTW. How do get the ice in the can?
  13. No car or mobile phone then? No clothes as well! ???? No TV packages? No trips to the sea? No internet charges? No hospital/Doctor charges? No trips back home? No presents for your wife's birthday/Xmas?
  14. You could die as well, that would save a lot of money per week! ????
  15. Unfortunately, being married I cannot try them. ???? Trying to communicate with some bar girl from Myanmar must be fun? ????
  16. I would prefer the beaches than the dusty, crowded streets of Bangkok. ???? Alas, being in rice land I have neither! ☹️
  17. You could do it living up country in the rice lands. No temptations! ☹️
  18. Only 7,000? Who is going to get them? ☹️
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