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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Because you have pushed 4 people, who also desperately want the vaccine, further down the waiting list. Then, you come on here to brag about it! It's the Me-Me generation, very sad. ☹️☹️
  2. A bit selfish of you during a pandemic. Booking 6 sets of jabs for two people. ☹️
  3. £2,460 for medical insurance for 21 days, at age 55 years old!! ????????
  4. The government weren't doing the Sinovac/AZ combination back in June. ????????
  5. I know a man who has a friend in Bangkok and he says your friend is talking BS.
  6. Well that was a bad move because many expats were vaccinated with Pfizer in the last two months via Expatvac.
  7. "They won't even begin vaccinating until mid November." The 10 days wait to mid November must be unbearable for you.....
  8. Errr.... what do you think this forum is then if it is not Social Media? ????????
  9. One travel insurance I checked stated applicants must be a UK resident, be registered at a GP and have a UK address.
  10. No, yesterday. Too late now. Changed some money yesterday...phew!! ????
  11. but he didn't know he had the condition from birth so how could reading the fine print help him?
  12. It is a rhetorical question. ???? However I do remember reading about some guy who develop a medical condition and his insurer refused payment. Evidentially, unbeknown to him he had the condition from birth. The insurer pointed to their small print saying such conditions where not covered!
  13. You tell me then, how is it the questions Insurer's ask are often either vague or all encompassing?
  14. So it's not the Visa which needs the US$50K health insurance coverage, it is the Thailand Pass? Here is a screen clip from another post showing what is being asked for.
  15. Gonna be hot standing in front of a bonfire in Thailand! ????????
  16. Agreed, and when they say they don't want to use it for anything other than as a phone they soon change their minds! ????
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