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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Bye elections and both previous opposition seats which the Tories snatched.
  2. Yes, for a typical expat in Thailand, 72 years old, previous medical history, drinks heavily, smokes and eat loads of hamburgers..... oops sorry ... cover refused!
  3. What opposition? Stammer Starmer, Diane Abbott or the Liberals with their whopping 14 MPs!
  4. You are the one spamming with off topic posts like above. ????
  5. Cheap Charlie.... ????
  6. Okay until you lose/break your card! Or someone skims it. ☹️☹️
  7. and did you feel ripped off?
  8. It is good to have the Authenticator app with access codes as backup in case you can't receive the OTP.
  9. If they wiped Britain out, they would also wipe out Ireland, large parts of France, Belgium and Holland. ????
  10. No we are not being ripped off as I doubt many guys here post seeds around the world. ????
  11. Are you going to die within the next 7 years? Ask my wife!
  12. It must be very tiring for you to read about it. Children being blown up. Wives, husbands, mothers and fathers being killed. It must be absolutely terrible for you. ☹️☹️
  13. Try Cannabis water from Lotus. Comes in different flavours. You need to drink the bottle for it to be effective.
  14. "If I wrote, authorising my Thai bank to release funds from my account to a nominee. Wife for example, would they do so? i.e. Funds locked away for visa purposes. The obvious answer I suppose is to ask them. I just wonder if others here may have had experience." No chance! Send her your ATM card.
  15. There are many, many different Cancers. I don't think they can all be prevented.
  16. Do you fear living to long? No chance with my wife!
  17. 2 months wages to pay for treatment which saved her life, I would say that was cheap!
  18. Council rents are a lot less than private rents.
  19. "two elderly monks ................................a 60 year old in saffron robes" Ohh, I have no chance then, elderly it is! ????
  20. What are the limitations on that policy? i.e. age, disability, etc.
  21. Will the government be supplying these vaccines?
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