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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 66 seconds  
  2. What I have read, it's only 30-day extension, can do one border run, and get another 60 after that
  3. Yeah, what happened to the Brit that killed the Russian?
  4. If your application fits the bill, should be no problem. Good luck
  5. That is going to go down well for Putin, aunty Vlad is going to feel the heat very soon
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 18 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 56 seconds  
  8. Don't for get to take your Magnesium to help absorb the Vit D
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 113 seconds  
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  11. That is good, link would be handy. PM me if you don't want to be public please
  12. They asked my friend's flight details in an email after he submitted the application, also another picture
  13. That's going to be interesting to see, the future of warfare
  14. I understand that, plenty of proof he has a passport/house/driving licence/ bank account in the UK it's not the ticket that's the problem, they want another letter/contract from his company. Anyway never mind he will get his 90 days here no problem
  15. Saw that last night, I thought the meeting to decide was today, but it's been confirmed by the headline Bangkok Post online today
  16. My friends' application to UK was very good, I thought, £50K+ sterling in his UK bank, contract from his employers stating his salary, and contract (made me weep looking at it). I thought it would sail though A few days after he applied (yesterday), got an email saying need flight details (why) and a letter of contract from his country, which he already gave, plus another photo, first one seemed fine to me Too late now he has lost his £300 as he flies tonight, and too late to get another letter from his company He had to leave it last minute because only just got back to the UK last week, he is exactly the type of person they want in the country, he rents a top end condo, spends like crazy
  17. It was an old helmet for goodness’s sake, this IS nazzi cosplay...........
  18. This is going to be interesting, some deal done for sure, as she was not favourite
  19. If I came across a German helmet, I would probably put it on for a photo op, also it looks like he found it in Russia, I doubt it standard Ukraine uniform
  20. Be interesting for a translation, not doing any harm to the old guy as I can see, yes he might be rubbing it in a bit, but Ukrainians have suffered badly under the Russians
  21. What will you do with the cat when you want to go on a trip somewhere? Keep goldfish as you can always eat them if you have to leave in a hurry (that's a joke btw)😀
  22. The French don't want them either, that's the problem
  23. 'We've got more than 2,000 Russian prisoners so far and they aren't just conscripts, these are competent fighters, including FSB forces,' he said last night. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13744603/Putins-military-second-best-Russia-Ukrainian-chief-boasts-Kyivs-forces-make-major-advances-Kursk-taking-2-000-Russian-troops-FSB-fighters-prisoner.html I also saw on twitter, Ukrainian soldiers have been helping civilians trapped with food
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