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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Yes, white noise works for me as well
  2. Wait till after the March re-election of Putin, and a general mobilization of fighting age men, tourist numbers will fall from Russia, they need to replace the 300,000 odd dead, and as many wounded
  3. I think events in Moscow will end the war, not on the battlefield
  4. Seems to be zero police helmet/license check points around Pattaya these days, I am in a group that warns where they are, hardly any posts on there these days
  5. 2024 has been touted as the next bull run based on previous cycles, as you say nice to see 41K as it is at the moment Neeranam, and steaming upwards, pulling many up with it
  6. Haven't seen this mentioned https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17220216/ Bit off the wall monster wise, but well acted with an aging Kurt Russel
  7. If it's a true account, which I don't believe, he was targeted someone must have known he was carrying that amount, I use those buses regularly, be hard for someone to check more than one bag More likely he lost it. I never carry a wallet, and never keep all important money and documents together when travelling
  8. Could be a revenge thing on their next door, two Germans in my condo building constantly trying to out-do each other with excessive noise, to pee the other one off
  9. Little clue would be nice, only find 1 and 2 so far, really good so far
  10. Seppius

    Loi Khratong

    It's today, everything I see on Google says that
  11. Starting already https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/29/uk-economic-recovery-picks-up-steam-overtaking-sick-man-germany.html https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/politics/uk-economy-to-outperform-germany-this-year-says-international-monetary-fund-4233563 The UK economy will outperform Germany this year, according to the International Monetary Fund, after the UN agency’s worst fears for the UK failed to materialise.
  12. Agree. Give it a few more years and the UK will be outperforming most of Europe by a long way
  13. It's not a problem just for the UK, Irish Republic in the news right now, also Italy, Germany and The Netherlands have huge problems with illegal migrants. Letting untold numbers of Albanians in the UK is going to cause big problems down the line
  14. I have nothing but praise for 3BB in Pattaya, excellent service
  15. PANGASIUS is an awful farmed fish, watery and tasteless
  16. I agree, went shortly after they opened, batter was terrible, I guessed that the fat was not hot enough when it was cooked, made the batter rubbery. I go past regually, never many, if any customers Would love to find some nice crispy British style fish and chips, still searching
  17. Why make it into a Brexit issue, there is a decline in fishing in the North Sea, prices of food and energy have gone up all over Europe by 115 or more, plus minimum wage has gone up 3 times since Brexit in the UK adding to the shop owner's percentage Cod and chips from a takeaway in my old town is around £9 for a very large piece of fish, hardly bank breaking, still cheaper than getting an Indian or Chinese meal
  18. Don't know why someone laughed at your post, pretty much spot on, also I check everything for sugar content, also eat everything in an 8-hour window, I eat 10 noon, then again at 8pm most days, no snacks When your insulin drops, the body uses fat for fuel, not glucose OP watch this
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