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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Not read the whole thread, but why is the RAF from Great Britain, shooting down missiles and defending Israel? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68810774
  2. British newspaper coverage of the latest death of a backpacker https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13300463/British-backpacker-dead-shallow-water-ditch-Thailands-notorious-Koh-Tao-Death-Island-vanishing-night-girlfriend.html The body of a British backpacker has been found in a shallow ditch on Thailand's notorious Koh Tao island, where several tourists have died in suspicious circumstances in recent years.
  3. Series of the year, already a rating of 8.7 on IMDB
  4. I like Foodmart, but you are right, I buy very little meat from there, also check ex dates on the pies in the chiller. I like the sauerkraut they sell in bags B90, much better for you than tinned or in a jar
  5. Been waiting for this Fallout full series dropped https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12637874/ Been playing the game for ages, hope the series lives up to hype, going for the 30GB torrent
  6. Not a chance, be lucky if they win 1 seat, millions will vote for them, but will not convert into seats
  7. No need to worry your lefties will get in with a huge majority, then the country will really be in the poo
  8. Be cheaper to meet them in the channel and tow them back to France, It's an EU problem not UK Stop the Boats with our 6 Point Plan. Recognise a national Security Threat. Leave the European Convention on Human Rights: Zero Illegal Immigrants to be Resettled in the UK; Offshore Processing for Illegal Arrivals; New Department of Immigration; Pick up Migrants out of Boats and Take Back to France. (We are legally allowed to do this under international treaties). https://www.reformparty.uk/immigration
  9. 2 episodes in and good so far, DailyMail plugging it in the UK. Full series has dropped https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13272967/netflix-fans-new-series-talented-lead-actor.html
  10. I have asked him to explain, last night the first night since he did, took much longer to cool the room down
  11. So just had mine done, 500 to clean 800 for gas, seems excessive, unit only 2 1/2 years old, here's the bill. One-man band, does a lot of a/c work in the building and 2nd time I used him
  12. Just waiting for the crackdown in Pattaya, Russians running stalls in the Russian Market Pratumnak, tour booths staffed by Russians everywhere around town, walking street has "hello" guys and girls outside holding up boards promoting clubs.
  13. Could not be without my desktop PC
  14. Only 1 episode released so far
  15. 5000 illegals crossed the channel so far this year, if i was in the UK at lection time, no way I would vote for him
  16. Watched all six, I don't know why, ending was bad
  17. Saw him driving the Bently around last evening 25/03/24 in Pratumnak, so he got back somehow, or paid a "fine"
  18. You are right, that stop is very annoying, and another just outside Bangkok at the terminal there
  19. Very tough on her, she is a lovely lady it seems. Why was her husband not at her side for such an important message to the nation?
  20. HMRC’s announcement includes the news that from 8 April: The PAYE helpline will no longer take calls from customers chasing the status of repayments, directing them instead to check online. The VAT helplines will only be available for 5 days per month, immediately prior to the monthly filing deadline. At all other times customers will be directed to online services. Between April and September, the Self-Assessment (SA) helpline will be closed. Furthermore, although it will operate between October and March, it will only take ‘priority calls’; and all queries that HMRC believe can be dealt with online will be directed to the online services. https://www.pcs.org.uk/news-events/news/hmrc-calls-taking-too-long-stop-taking-calls Not sure how this affects the pension phone lines
  21. “We can lie around on the beach and enjoy a joint,” says Thodsapol, Isn't smoking on the beach illegal? it is in Pattaya
  22. Charles will abdicate very, very soon, maybe today/tomorrow because of his cancer. William coronation will be in July The Kate story is strange, maybe we will never know the truth, but all is not good. IMHO (in my humble opinion)
  23. Don't download the TikTok app JingThing, it's even more addictive
  24. Nothing on mainstream much about this, but on Tiktok I follow a White Russian amongst other, he is saying they have secured two towns
  25. Sticking with Shogun, I like it, but hardly a clue what's going on. The 4th episode really bringing it together in the end, I think it's going to be a classic series
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