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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. B690 3BB 1GB download speed, they installed fibre to my router in Pratumnak, brilliant service, new customers have to pay 1 year up front
  2. Here are some views from the streets of Moscow
  3. Rains hard every day in Thailand somewhere!!
  4. The way we bank, transfer money is changing very soon, whether we like or not, look up CBCD https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/central-bank-digital-currency-cbdc.asp
  5. I know that, but I am talking about actual bank transfers, changing from Swift
  6. The way we transfer money is changing fast, soon it will be done via the blockchain, companies leading the way like Ripple/xrp, it will be very fast
  7. Don't need to fund, just press send money (centre bottom of screen), add your Thai bank, then automatic bank transfer, select your bank, will open new window that goes to your bank to verify transfer. That's what happens to me
  8. Diet maybe, cut out sugar, seed oils, just use olive oil. Worked for me, all my life had joint problems, do stretching rather than gym DYOR
  9. Thanks for the replies to my question, outcome was 15-min call to their 0800 number, drop the first 0, took a while for them to answer, but took my new details and all is good
  10. Seppius

    Ear Wax

    You can get ear wax candles from Lazada very cheap, not a clue if they work.
  11. Does the ban start midnight on Friday till midnight Saturday? I can't remember
  12. New one on the beach end of Pratamnak 5, that is 8 on the street now, but this one looks good Large beer garden and pool area surrounded by shrubs, and a great selection of bud from B200 up to B1000. I like it, will have a beer and bud in there for sure The samples are kept in those little jars with magnifying glass and light, the bud for sale is kept chilled
  13. Strange, I had thought in Gateway I might have been able to do it, but no. A letter it will be
  14. The EU is broken and the Germans broke it with their usual greed and Hubris. Thank Goddness for Brexit. Swexit, Irexit, Italexit all gathering pace. Admit it Brussels, you goons have messed up and apologies on behalf of UK folk if remoaners in the UK made you think you were doing a good job.
  15. Not exactly looking good in Germany is it? https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-25/germany-enters-recession-europe-s-largest-economy-is-breaking-down%23xj4y7vzkg
  16. Anyone know an online link to change my UK bank, to another UK bank please , seems like a letter is the only way
  17. You are right, and Thais are great compromisers
  18. All will be gone as the MFP are going to reinstate cannabis as a narcotic, according to yesterday's BP.
  19. The case for Swexit: Swedish MEP says his country is 'being dragged into a union no voter wants', praises 'inspirational' Brexit and warns Remoaners who want to rejoin the EU it is WORSE since Britain left https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12132119/The-case-Swexit-Swedish-MEP-says-country-dragged-union-no-voter-wants.html
  20. My Russian friend told me, every single deal, transaction or bribe, a percentage goes to the very top
  21. I think Everton have the best chance of staying up, playing a team whose focus is elsewhere
  22. Germany enters recession following economic 'collapse' - and experts predict the situation is only going to get WORSE for Europe's largest economy... as IMF sharply upgrades UK growth forecast https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12123311/Germany-enters-recession-following-economic-collapse-IMF-sharply-upgrades-UK-growth-forecast.html What's bad for Germany is not good for the rest of the EU
  23. Should be holding at least some crypto IMHO
  24. I know a guy in Bangkok, but don't have his contact details, he has 25+ years of doing it, will get his number while in Bangkok this weekend, if it's any help
  25. Thank you
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