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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. here you are again disrupting another thread and clearly stalking me, sad....
  2. are we not subscribed by being members or there's more?...
  3. Agreed - weed is my drug of choice, much more benefits of which alcohol has zero.
  4. What wouldn't happen, tax dept asking for proof of being out the country? I've been asked for it.... Still going on about the boarding pass.....pfft!
  5. If asked for evidence and i asked the tax dept to get the electronic records, you think they'd say "yeah ok mate, we'll do that for you"......doubt it.
  6. But you could check in and get a boarding pass and then not board, right? therefore not leaving the country, right? My point being (which you seem to not understand ) is that let's say you've been using the new egates and have no physical stamps, your home country wants evidence of where you've been, what's your evidence? Tax depts do not go out there way to help, it's up to the individual to provide evidence.
  7. Exactly, there is no downsides to cannabis use.
  8. Buy a fan(s) and sit them at your open door.
  9. ok - thanks.
  10. Sounds like you have a really boring life.
  11. See a lot of thai people going about like this do you?
  12. I understood your question clearly unlike some of the other dinosaurs. In the past i've taken edibles as i'm getting dropped off, that gives you plenty of time to check in and go through immigration before any effects start kicking in. Travelling stoned is good, takes the edge off it.
  13. You've totally taken this of track now - bi.
  14. Tax departments. Being on the data base is fine, but who has access to that? Very simple to scan entry / exit stamps from passport pages.
  15. I think you've understood, we're talking about travelling while high to help pass what are, for the most part, very boring flights. We're not talking about smuggling, well i'm not anyway.
  16. A boarding pass is no proof of leaving a country.
  17. Having travelled monthly all over the world for the last 30 years on not one occasion have i been asked for a piss test as soon as i enter a country....what a strange comment. I travel stoned all the time, as you say check in first just to have a clear head for that, once i have boarding pass i engage.
  18. Should it be needed, how would you prove your exit from thailand without a stamp. I travel a lot and have all my old passports and stamps, which in the past i've had to dig out and supply entry / exit stamps for various reasons, hence that's why i ask?
  19. Sharp as a bowling ball!
  20. What would you suggest he wears on KPN? a business suit ??
  21. I'm 51 and feel nothing like you, maybe you should seek help too?
  22. She doesn't know herself or can't find out??
  23. duration of time spent at bank and immigration office was total about 10 mins for me this year, worth every penny paying an agent for me.
  24. We wrap them in newspaper and put them in a cupboard.
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