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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Would N Face not be the first port of call?
  2. you don't know this for sure.
  3. So you've moved to Cambodia for bigger dicks? Whatever flicks your switch, enjoy!
  4. yeah, i've lived in Thailand 26 years and travelled all over SEA so i think i've a good base for comment.
  5. Don't know what the problem is, just a couple of lads having a bit of a tare up... boys will be boys
  6. There's no comparison between Thailand and Cambodia but good luck.
  7. Don't let the amulet wearers know that!
  8. I've answered your questions for you, you're welcome.
  9. yip, agreed - comedy gold.
  10. What is ICE? You would agree tho that these daily fires we read about are due to poor quality conversions tho, right?
  11. Changing from gas to petrol or vice versa should be regulated, it's quite apparent with the frequency of vehicular fires that Somchai is not cut out for this.
  12. Yeah, i like the look of the ADV's, test drove one and then decided to abort - horrible.
  13. Yip, and these scooters they continue to come out with the bigger engines don't help, more power, faster with with smaller wheels....hmm
  14. cheap as chips. it's an ok purchase if you're gonna run it till it dies ( for a scoot )
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