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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. That comment is funny, not the incident.
  2. There is zero similarities between this incident and the one you refer to with respect to how they happened.
  3. If he's not in the wrong it'll cost him nothing apart from living with the fact that he's killed someone accidentally. You've obviously no idea what you're on about.
  4. The majority of the Thai ones yes, but ( unless you've not noticed ) this is a farang.
  5. What chance do they have, i mean really...
  6. Unlikely he'll go to jail if he's all the required docs and was not under the influence.
  7. How'd you know he was acting like an idiot?
  8. I wear the pants in my house so don't do all that nonsense.
  9. ok, if insurance is paying tho...
  10. 500mg / 30mg? Dosage quantity is what needs mentioned, plus that can be tricky depending on what you've eaten / mental state / physical state etc.
  11. I guess it's the convienience?
  12. Good to see the hi-tech cattle prod in use.
  13. Whether it's considered part of the culture or not it's 100% a regular occurence in rural thailand.
  14. Thanks Richard. Let me review this data and get back to you.
  15. All Moo Kata is akin to road kill - no thanks.
  16. 3rd road where all the Mo Kata places are is like the wildwest after midnight most nights.
  17. Richard Smith will love getting into this, stand by for a massive rant...
  18. What's the existing record, are we in with a shot this year?
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