"Most" male pick up drivers kill people - really?
I live quite rural and there's accidents daily locally, "most" of them are not male pick up drivers, i think that's a bit unfair to single them out.
What have you got against pick ups?
While it seems male pick up drivers are not good there's also been a woman driving into a pharmacy and another driving into a klong in todays news so i guess we can't single out a specific type of 'moron'
Stay safe!
I always wear jeans and a collar when going to Amphurs / banks / immigration / police station.
It looks a bit nasty when you see foriegners in banks in shorts and wife beater IMO.
It's also digusting to see people in restaraunts in wife beaters - gross!!
Excellent report and great news, saves dealing with the immigration gestapo for extennsion.
They needed your wife's passport, this is new, previously only ID card.