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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. hahahahaha. If you're concerned about corruption you're in the wrong place.
  2. Exactly, bang her hard.
  3. I think there's a misunderstanding, take my case for example. I do not live in Pattaya but use an agent there at Jomtien IO, the address on my paperwork is the agents office. If i want a COR i will pay the agent to get me COR but it's likely i'd need to go there and comply with more BS such as medical cert for COR. For me going to Pattaya is no problemo as i have a property there.
  4. I've been here 24 years, think i've got 4 or 5 COR so it's not a common problem. Worst case scenario is you drive to the province and get the COR, not hard.
  5. Why are they 'dodgy'? Many of these visa agents have been set up and well established for many years, this is NOT new....
  6. Why on earth would he want to do that, he has the visa / extension / permission of stay ( whatever you want to call it ), job done.
  7. It's actually you that's wasting money tying up the 800K requirement. But jog on....
  8. This: " Despite this, he claimed to have purchased a house worth 10 million baht (US$292,483) "
  9. Use an immigration office that does accept agents, very simple.
  10. Yeah, coz if you were paying someone a lot of money for this stunt you'd definately not check the liquor?? lol
  11. This is comedy gold.
  12. Yip, totally agreed this is a idiotic as the no helmet situation here.....madness. You see pick up beds filled with kids all over Thailand, not a good scene....
  13. He already had a lot of money therefore it's quite obvious the guy is a fool. Another one wanting their 15 mins of fame, well guess what - he's got it.
  14. Most arabs i saw on the dunes in Oman / Qatar / UAE were all very good at driving off road, very good indeed.
  15. It'd be good if you mentioned the main parts of the story for clarity, yes.
  16. Nice insult...... I live where there's no agents but guess what.......yip, agents deal with that too..... the list of benifits is endless but you're poor, never mind....
  17. Fair bit 'we' decided to leave out then.....
  18. Broken ribs trump death tho, right?
  19. Is that all surgeons do too?
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