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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. I have the same vehicle as the OP but 2011, i'd take 100K for it if anyone is interested, it's got about 310K on the clock. He won't get much more than 100K, the part Ex removes all the hassle, and more importantly for his wife, the time it takes to get a sale at a higher price.
  2. I thought all the main dealers were almost tax free ( or very low ) on new vehicles, or am i wrong?
  3. Tell your wife to google Tread Wear Indicators and educate her on what to look for on the tires.
  4. OGUK medical is a total joke now. You see so many people in the industry that are 'fit to drop' not 'fit to work'.
  5. Correct, and he has a set ( and a fit wife ).
  6. Yeah, i've got some Canadian friends and it sounds like everyone there wants their cut of hard earned money - no thanks!
  7. So you're one of these digital gonads? aka trader? $100K canadian rupees is only about 300 baht - lol.
  8. Still cheap like everything else when on holiday tho innit....
  9. You missed... how to buy a cheese and ham toastie from 7/11. Experts on all things thai after a week, very impressive.
  10. What would you have done face with this situation Ricardo, as you seem to have an answer for everything in your perfect little life.
  11. I wouldn't stay there, too basic. But for old people with nothing better to do there seems to be quite a good community there, almost like an old folks home.
  12. Does this not raise the question, "why bother"? Is this just to show you're drinking buddies that 'you're the man'? Pink ID card / Yellow book, complete waste of time as mentioned many times.
  13. As soon as they legalised weed i stopped drinking alcohol. Weed is much better for you - fact.
  14. Totally agree. And a lot of the time those PITA stamps!!!
  15. I'm surprised you don't read more about these "content creators / bloggers / vloggers / youtubers / live streamers" getting attacked more often, total scumbags.
  16. yes, don't know why they don't do this more often with the miscreants.
  17. Not much to do with that in Thailand, considered moving to Sudan?
  18. Totally agree, they're a menace and everywhere you go these days - total scumbags.
  19. no idea what you're on about sunshine???
  20. Never engage with drunk thai males, it's a loose / loose situation.
  21. @DrJack54 - you're just complicating this.
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